
pursu_happi can be found in 3 cue lexicons and 12 speeches. Its been used 17 times by 4 candidates.

Cue lexicons

pursu_happi is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

that in our central charter there wa thi idea that we were endow with certain inalien right by our creator __PUNCT__ life and liberti and thi pursuit of happi __PUNCT__ not the guarante of success everi time __PUNCT__ understand we be knock down sometim __PUNCT__ but thi idea that we could pursu happi __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2012.07.24.591.Portland.OR during the 2012 General elections.


pursu_happi is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Newt Gingrich 2012 Primary 2011.05.25.remarks_in_derry_new_hampshire
Newt Gingrich 2012 Primary 2011.05.27.remarks_to_the_five_points_rotary_club_in_columbia_south_carolina
Newt Gingrich 2012 Primary 2012.02.10.remarks_to_the_conservative_political_action_conference
John McCain 2008 General 2008.04.02.address_at_the_naval_academy_in_annapolis_maryland
Barack Obama 2012 General 2012.07.24.591.Portland.OR
Mitt Romney 2008-2011 09.17.2010.Washington.DC
Mitt Romney 2012 General 08.14.2012.Chillicothe.OH
Mitt Romney 2012 General 09.25.2012.NewYork.NY
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 02.10.2012.Washington.DC
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 03.19.2012.Chicago.IL
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 03.30.2012.Appleton.WI
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 04.24.2012.Manchester.NH.SecureNom