
ballot_box can be found in 7 cue lexicons and 11 speeches. Its been used 11 times by 5 candidates.

Cue lexicons

ballot_box is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

but thi yearn is not satisfi by simpli depos a dictat and set up a ballot box __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2007.04.23 during the 2008 Primary elections.

thi work to extend the franchis to all of our citizen is a core mission of the modern democrat parti __PUNCT__ from sign the vote right act and fight racial discrimin at the ballot box __PUNCT__ to lower the vote ag so those old enough to fight and die in war would have the right to choos their command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ to fight for multi __PUNCT__ lingual ballot so you can make your voic heard no matter what languag you speak __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2008.05.21.remarks_on_counting_every_vote_at_a_solutions_for_america_event_in_boca_raton_florida during the 2008 Primary elections.

in the __NUM__ centuri __PUNCT__ progress must mean more than a vote at the ballot box __PUNCT__ it must mean freedom from fear and freedom from want __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2007.10.02 during the 2008 Primary elections.

but democraci is about more than a ballot box __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2007.08.01 during the 2008 Primary elections.

thei bet everi singl __MONEY__ million check from a wealthi donor drown out million of voic at the ballot box __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2012.08.21.659.Columbus.OH during the 2012 General elections.


ballot_box is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.04.13.remarks_on_government_reform_at_st_anselm_college_in_manchester_new_hampshire
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2008.05.21.remarks_on_counting_every_vote_at_a_solutions_for_america_event_in_boca_raton_florida
John McCain 2008 Primary 2007.07.13.address_to_the_concord_chamber_of_commerce
Barack Obama 2012 General 2012.08.21.659.Columbus.OH
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2007.04.23
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2007.06.22
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2007.08.01
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2007.10.02
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2008.05.23
Mitt Romney 2008-2011 02.18.2010.Washington.DC
Fred Thompson 2008 Primary 2007.09.06.remarks_announcing_candidacy_for_president_of_the_united_states