
slave_trade can be found in 7 cue lexicons and 2 speeches. Its been used 5 times by 2 candidates.

Cue lexicons

slave_trade is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

it wa stain by thi nation origin sin of slaveri __PUNCT__ a question that divid the coloni and brought the convent to a stalem until the founder chose to allow the slave trade to continu for at least twenti more year __PUNCT__ and to leav ani final resolut to futur gener __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2008.03.18 during the 2008 Primary elections.


slave_trade is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
John McCain 2008 General 2008.05.07.remarks_by_john_mccain_on_his_vision_for_defending_the_freedom_and_dignity_of_the_worlds_vulnerable_at_oakland_university_in_rochester_michigan
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2008.03.18