
highwai_system can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 15 speeches. Its been used 15 times by 4 candidates.

Cue lexicons

highwai_system is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

all of our commun worker __PUNCT__ our electr worker __PUNCT__ we need to have super inform highwai the wai we have an interst highwai system so everi part of america get connect up __PUNCT__ part of the global economi __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2008.04.01.remarks_at_the_pennsylvania_aflcio_in_harrisburg during the 2008 Primary elections.

todai __PUNCT__ we still reap the econom benefit of the interst highwai system he champion __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.08.08.remarks_on_infrastructure during the 2008 Primary elections.

we build the interst highwai system __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2012.07.05.535.Parma.OH during the 2012 General elections.

it is what franklin roosevelt did with hi work program and what dwight eisenhow did with the interst highwai system and presid kennedi with the space program __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2008.02.27.remarks_at_the_economic_summit_in_zanesville_ohio during the 2008 Primary elections.

we brought electr to rural commun __PUNCT__ we brought interst highwai system __PUNCT__ we go to bring broadband deploy so that everi commun can be connect up to the global economi __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.03.15.speech_on_subprime_lending during the 2008 Primary elections.


highwai_system is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.03.15.speech_on_subprime_lending
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.05.29.remarks__modern_progressive_vision_shared_prosperity
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.05.31.hillary_clinton_speech_and_qa_on_innovation
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.08.08.remarks_on_infrastructure
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2008.02.27.remarks_at_the_economic_summit_in_zanesville_ohio
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2008.04.01.remarks_at_the_pennsylvania_aflcio_in_harrisburg
John McCain 2008 General 2008.04.17.interview_with_peter_cook_on_bloomberg_tv
Barack Obama 2012 General 2012.07.05.535.Parma.OH
Barack Obama 2012 General 2012.07.06.537.Pittsburgh.PA
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2008.04.10
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2008.04.14
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2008.04.15.PA
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 03.19.2012.Chicago.IL
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 03.20.2012.Schaumburg.IL
Mitt Romney 2012 Primary 04.13.2012.StLouis.MO