Mitt Romney

This speech titled 11.02.2012.WestAllis.WI originally had 2808 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 77 cue terms and an average lag of 32.8. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 home_state 8
0.972 0.0113 0.0165
0 0 0
2 vice_presid 4
0.0519 0 0
0.948 0 0
3 unit_state 3
0.0145 0 0
0.985 0 0
4 paul_ryan 6
0.0297 0.00119 0.00159
0.968 0 0
5 daili_life 142
0.283 0.0275 0.476
0.212 0.000597 0.000995
6 year_ago 76
0.0171 0.0382 0.598
0.0211 0.0127 0.313
7 candid_obama 2
0 0.000398 0.0438
0.00637 0.0507 0.899
8 obama_promis 0
0 0.000597 0.00716
0.00299 0.05 0.939
9 creat_job 43
0.000199 0.000398 0.218
0 0.00139 0.78
10 feder_deficit 19
0.000199 0 0.0921
0 0.000199 0.907
11 unemploy_rate 12
0 0 0.0545
0 0 0.945
12 __NUM___million_job 16
0 0.000199 0.0687
0 0 0.931
13 barack_obama 13
0.00617 0.0107 0.0567
0 0 0.926
14 social_secur 13
0 0.00159 0.0663
0 0.00836 0.924
15 __MONEY___billion 13
0.000398 0.000199 0.00438
0 0.00876 0.986
16 american_famili 22
0.771 0.00677 0.0281
0.000398 0 0.193
17 pai___MONEY__ 1
0.00856 0.00378 0.00617
0.758 0.00697 0.217
18 import_issu 23
0.0718 0.0706 0.0492
0.623 0.0109 0.175
19 republican_leader 21
0.0776 0.0336 0.074
0.57 0.0776 0.167
20 __MONEY___trillion 106
0.214 0.0627 0.463
0.1 0.0444 0.115
21 presid_obama 57
0.00876 0.0255 0.538
0.00557 0.0697 0.352
22 obama_promis 0
0 0.000199 0.00756
0.0109 0.0947 0.887
23 job_loss 55
0.201 0.0117 0.191
0.00697 0.0704 0.519
24 job_growth 2
0 0.000597 0.236
0.00756 0.0394 0.717
25 higher_tax 4
0.000199 0.000398 0.0442
0.00259 0.0217 0.931
26 balanc_budget 33
0.0173 0.00219 0.144
0.00139 0.0157 0.819
27 unit_state 41
0.946 0.000199 0.00836
0.0165 0.00318 0.0253
28 paul_ryan 37
0.193 0.0103 0.0418
0.752 0.00139 0.00179
29 american_job 21
0.0109 0.0633 0.756
0.116 0.0105 0.0434
30 econom_growth 26
0.00139 0.00358 0.258
0.00279 0.0314 0.703
31 creat_job 30
0 0 0.167
0 0.000597 0.832
32 energi_resourc 10
0 0 0.0426
0 0 0.957
33 energi_independ 60
0.000597 0.000398 0.255
0 0 0.744
34 latin_america 12
0.00179 0.0129 0.0509
0.000199 0.000398 0.934
35 presid_obama 29
0.0271 0.0105 0.115
0.00139 0.0111 0.835
36 pai_job 56
0.0251 0.0135 0.242
0.00458 0.0163 0.699
37 control_spend 12
0.0446 0.00119 0.0597
0.0265 0.0135 0.855
38 fiscal_saniti 16
0.00139 0.00139 0.0458
0.0392 0.00776 0.904
39 discretionari_spend 20
0.00119 0.000597 0.0468
0.0117 0.00179 0.938
40 small_busi 31
0.0107 0.00836 0.888
0.000199 0.000597 0.0923
41 execut_order 8
0.00259 0.000398 0.0454
0.00955 0.00637 0.936
42 small_busi 51
0.0669 0.0183 0.215
0.00657 0.00557 0.688
43 unit_state 29
0.829 0.00259 0.0117
0.0685 0.00756 0.0806
44 higher_wage 8
0.0428 0.0113 0.127
0.745 0.00995 0.0641
45 fellow_american 5
0.00299 0.0153 0.725
0.0822 0.0181 0.156
46 limit_govern 18
0.00338 0.00159 0.15
0.0171 0.0201 0.807
47 fellow_american 8
0.00179 0.0121 0.032
0.0167 0.0217 0.916
48 debt_ceil 65
0.131 0.038 0.22
0.00955 0.0205 0.58
49 good_men 69
0.0165 0.00617 0.416
0.0133 0.0119 0.536
50 balanc_budget 30
0.000398 0.000199 0.186
0.000199 0.00418 0.809
51 tax_code 5
0.000199 0.000199 0.0299
0.000398 0.000995 0.968
52 natur_ga 32
0 0 0.148
0.000199 0 0.852
53 energi_price 21
0 0 0.0985
0 0 0.901
54 presid_obama 16
0.00398 0.000796 0.0706
0 0 0.925
55 class_famili 24
0 0 0.113
0 0.000199 0.886
56 manufactur_job 16
0.000995 0.00478 0.0762
0 0.000199 0.918
57 busi_leader 31
0.0511 0.00915 0.122
0.000796 0.00279 0.814
58 __NUM___month 8
0.00995 0 0.0458
0.0416 0.00597 0.897
59 __NUM___year 52
0.444 0.0784 0.103
0.0314 0.00517 0.338
60 high_point 3
0.396 0.00856 0.000597
0.475 0.078 0.042
61 __NUM___peopl 4
0.048 0.00318 0.000995
0.847 0.0846 0.0159
62 good_thing 77
0.0933 0.0555 0.626
0.172 0.047 0.00657
63 sector_union 24
0.154 0.00637 0.0806
0.22 0.0778 0.461
64 bring_peopl 204
0.855 0.049 0.00279
0.0702 0.0229 0
65 big_thing 4
0.0263 0.000597 0.00557
0.895 0.07 0.00299
66 common_good 3
0.0179 0.00139 0.0185
0.886 0.0683 0.00836
67 presid_obama 42
0.158 0.0191 0.246
0.5 0.0563 0.0199
68 fresh_start 132
0.346 0.0595 0.276
0.202 0.0416 0.074
69 american_spirit 39
0.17 0.0127 0.18
0.321 0.0669 0.249
70 american_dream 25
0.489 0.00418 0.00179
0.427 0.0649 0.0129
71 presid_obama 110
0.224 0.0422 0.46
0.23 0.0384 0.00517
72 singl_mom 151
0.117 0.0957 0.542
0.0456 0.042 0.158
73 good_faith 54
0.598 0.0199 0.0503
0.112 0.0931 0.126
74 america_futur 33
0.333 0.000597 0.0205
0.597 0.00318 0.046
75 long_dai 18
0.125 0.000995 0.00478
0.843 0.00179 0.0247
76 god_bless 42
0.251 0 0.000199
0.749 0 0
77 unit_state 8
0.0426 0 0.00239
0.955 0 0