Mitt Romney

This speech titled 07.24.2012.Reno.NV originally had 3689 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 104 cue terms and an average lag of 32.1. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 execut_director 55
0.685 0.0575 0.257
0 0 0
2 air_forc 79
0.201 0.0185 0.412
0.206 0.0191 0.143
3 step_forward 168
0.848 0.0135 0.000199
0.138 0.000199 0.000199
4 great_citi 8
0.0414 0.000398 0
0.948 0.0103 0
5 small_town 3
0.0233 0 0.000199
0.966 0.0105 0
6 protect_america 23
0.107 0.00219 0.0368
0.843 0.0103 0
7 presid_obama 69
0.166 0.0167 0.452
0.336 0.00597 0.0235
8 nation_secur 69
0.159 0.000597 0.299
0.224 0.000796 0.317
9 foreign_polici 2
0.00597 0.000199 0.0119
0.366 0.000398 0.616
10 nation_convent 32
0.0149 0.000995 0.309
0.0909 0 0.584
11 american_economi 6
0.00139 0 0.107
0.0235 0.000199 0.868
12 seventi_year 103
0.00637 0.00219 0.192
0.00159 0 0.798
13 unit_nation 55
0 0 0.0287
0 0 0.971
14 presid_obama 2
0.000796 0 0.00458
0 0 0.995
15 american_power 36
0.00159 0.000199 0.00915
0.000398 0 0.989
16 american_centuri 95
0.265 0 0.0257
0.000796 0 0.708
17 great_american 20
0.0416 0 0.041
0.237 0 0.68
18 american_centuri 0
0.000995 0 0.000597
0.277 0 0.721
19 world_war_ii 13
0.0177 0.000199 0.0105
0.252 0 0.719
20 free_world 20
0.0396 0.00458 0.00935
0.244 0.000199 0.702
21 american_spirit 29
0.0987 0.0297 0.188
0.216 0.00378 0.463
22 american_centuri 85
0.1 0 0.205
0.133 0.000398 0.562
23 free_world 50
0.0277 0.000199 0.089
0.128 0 0.755
24 world_lead 4
0.00358 0 0.00577
0.146 0.000199 0.844
25 unit_state 58
0.101 0.000199 0.0119
0.106 0 0.78
26 american_economi 62
0.00259 0 0.391
0.00219 0 0.604
27 american_power 4
0.000199 0 0.00716
0.00438 0 0.988
28 govern_revenu 6
0.00856 0.00318 0.0155
0.00438 0 0.968
29 social_spend 3
0.00338 0.000199 0.00259
0.0123 0.00318 0.978
30 defens_spend 10
0.00139 0.00219 0.00975
0.0115 0.00338 0.972
31 trillion_dollar 35
0.0293 0.0187 0.613
0.00179 0.00239 0.335
32 presid_obama 43
0.039 0.00677 0.151
0.0101 0.0139 0.779
33 nuclear_weapon 105
0.0121 0 0.31
0.00179 0 0.676
34 radic_islam 4
0.00259 0 0.00239
0.0133 0 0.982
35 islam_terror 0
0.00139 0.000398 0.000597
0.0159 0 0.982
36 mass_destruct 7
0.0812 0.00537 0.0137
0.0167 0.000398 0.883
37 union_address 56
0.903 0.00159 0.00915
0.0611 0.000199 0.0245
38 clean_energi 13
0.0669 0.00378 0.0143
0.888 0.000995 0.0265
39 bin_laden 46
0.25 0.0143 0.0157
0.711 0.00338 0.00478
40 west_wing 12
0.103 0.00239 0.00179
0.874 0.0107 0.00716
41 obama_team 4
0.0352 0.000199 0.000199
0.953 0.00896 0.00239
42 nation_secur 55
0.252 0.0535 0.0289
0.659 0.00577 0.00119
43 democrat_senat 5
0.0241 0.0169 0.00677
0.865 0.0585 0.0287
44 diann_feinstein 1
0.00796 0.00159 0.00338
0.878 0.0748 0.0346
45 white_hous 16
0.128 0.00677 0.0398
0.731 0.0667 0.0283
46 nation_interest 20
0.083 0.00318 0.119
0.67 0.0609 0.0637
47 presid_obama 34
0.247 0.0239 0.0826
0.558 0.0577 0.0306
48 attornei_gener 1
0.0131 0.00159 0.00219
0.795 0.0808 0.107
49 white_hous 14
0.0989 0.0113 0.0109
0.743 0.0802 0.0559
50 classifi_inform 3
0.0211 0.00517 0.00577
0.815 0.0905 0.0621
51 polit_advantag 6
0.0537 0.00179 0.00318
0.805 0.0892 0.0474
52 nation_secur 47
0.388 0.00756 0.0279
0.512 0.0575 0.00756
53 elect_dai 14
0.0677 0.00617 0.00776
0.827 0.0615 0.0297
54 white_hous 5
0.0267 0.00279 0.0129
0.857 0.0649 0.0358
55 polit_gain 91
0.0201 0.00199 0.922
0.0283 0.000398 0.0273
56 nation_secur 14
0.00836 0.000199 0.0697
0.0255 0.000199 0.896
57 unit_state 17
0.00119 0 0.0302
0.00637 0 0.962
58 american_foreign_polici 5
0.000199 0 0.00657
0.00159 0 0.992
59 opposit_direct 43
0.000597 0 0.0103
0.000398 0 0.989
60 czech_republ 13
0.000398 0 0.00279
0 0 0.997
61 missil_defens 41
0.000398 0 0.00776
0 0 0.992
62 russian_govern 9
0.00836 0.00179 0.00975
0.000398 0 0.98
63 vladimir_putin 40
0.0237 0.00119 0.0756
0.00418 0 0.895
64 obama_administr 4
0.102 0.0109 0.629
0.0239 0.00119 0.232
65 oval_offic 22
0.238 0.0368 0.0744
0.103 0.00975 0.538
66 presid_obama 13
0.037 0.00299 0.13
0.248 0.0344 0.548
67 american_peopl 53
0.0625 0 0.355
0.0953 0 0.488
68 presid_obama 1
0.00119 0.000199 0.0287
0.134 0 0.836
69 hugo_chavez 22
0.00299 0.000199 0.186
0.0163 0 0.795
70 nation_secur 6
0.0141 0.000199 0.00219
0.0191 0 0.964
71 american_presid 110
0.118 0.00876 0.0981
0.0107 0.000199 0.765
72 american_foreign_polici 38
0.00219 0 0.145
0.00697 0 0.846
73 presid_obama 28
0.00219 0 0.0245
0.00398 0 0.969
74 unit_nation 33
0 0 0.0153
0 0 0.985
75 middl_east 19
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
76 free_world 20
0.000398 0 0.00398
0 0 0.996
77 unit_nation 13
0.00119 0 0.00119
0.000199 0 0.997
78 unit_state 12
0.0884 0.000597 0.00119
0.00119 0 0.909
79 past_decad 61
0.416 0.0342 0.1
0.0585 0.000398 0.391
80 american_peopl 42
0.525 0.00159 0.0882
0.348 0.00219 0.0352
81 presid_obama 47
0.242 0.0555 0.0285
0.64 0.00299 0.0318
82 endless_war 15
0.104 0.0115 0
0.828 0.0545 0.00199
83 secur_forc 37
0.0149 0.00716 0.000199
0.919 0.0575 0.00119
84 militari_command 20
0.00796 0.00378 0.0267
0.899 0.0609 0.00139
85 american_busi 95
0.687 0.0255 0.157
0.0884 0.0328 0.00915
86 presid_obama 51
0.0358 0.00657 0.688
0.108 0.0251 0.136
87 middl_east 21
0.00199 0.00119 0.209
0.0199 0.00955 0.759
88 repres_govern 17
0.000398 0.000398 0.0308
0.00239 0.00199 0.964
89 econom_opportun 2
0.0123 0 0.00398
0.00219 0.00139 0.98
90 arab_world 40
0.244 0.000199 0.0197
0.0101 0 0.726
91 common_purpos 47
0.499 0.00239 0.00179
0.196 0.000199 0.301
92 unit_state 25
0.0806 0 0.0591
0.558 0 0.302
93 world_todai 28
0.0752 0.000199 0.0983
0.468 0 0.358
94 nuclear_weapon 10
0.00398 0 0.464
0.0744 0 0.458
95 year_ago 29
0.00915 0 0.0583
0.0304 0 0.902
96 nuclear_weapon 30
0 0 0.0466
0.00159 0 0.952
97 iranian_regim 48
0 0 0.0101
0 0 0.99
98 unit_state 48
0.00975 0 0.00577
0 0 0.984
99 american_foreign_polici 84
0.00677 0 0.0199
0.00338 0 0.97
100 __NUM___centuri 95
0.355 0 0.0219
0.00517 0 0.618
101 american_centuri 6
0.0324 0 0.00179
0.348 0 0.618
102 greatest_gener 32
0.588 0.00378 0.00438
0.323 0 0.0806
103 god_bless 80
0.409 0 0
0.591 0 0
104 unit_state 2
0.0153 0 0.000199
0.984 0 0