Mitt Romney

This speech titled 01.31.2012.Tampa.FL originally had 1232 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 38 cue terms and an average lag of 27.0. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 year_ago 140
0.667 0.00796 0.325
0 0 0
2 elect_presid 6
0.0354 0 0.0193
0.64 0.00577 0.3
3 presid_obama 0
0.00438 0 0.0113
0.661 0.00438 0.318
4 american_peopl 3
0.0111 0 0.0267
0.639 0.000597 0.322
5 __NUM___month 33
0.0434 0.00657 0.391
0.273 0 0.286
6 job_loss 14
0.383 0.0874 0.0161
0.299 0.00637 0.208
7 home_foreclosur 3
0.0279 0.000995 0.00199
0.673 0.0933 0.203
8 modern_histori 6
0.0559 0.00119 0.0133
0.68 0.079 0.171
9 ten_dai 4
0.0689 0.00299 0.00338
0.723 0.0673 0.134
10 american_dream 61
0.399 0.00139 0.000199
0.599 0.000597 0.000199
11 union_address 12
0.0519 0.000398 0.00557
0.942 0 0.000199
12 thoma_pain 49
0.121 0.07 0.272
0.532 0.000597 0.00517
13 cut_tax 130
0.000199 0.000398 0.811
0 0.000199 0.189
14 __NUM___time 1
0 0 0.00199
0 0.000398 0.998
15 fifti_state 18
0.00119 0.000796 0.251
0 0 0.747
16 presid_obama 33
0.0265 0.00577 0.539
0.000398 0.000597 0.428
17 trillion_dollar 20
0.00239 0.000995 0.196
0.00498 0.00219 0.794
18 rais_tax 35
0 0.000398 0.219
0 0 0.781
19 presid_obama 8
0.00617 0.00119 0.0531
0 0 0.94
20 free_enterpris 17
0.0121 0.00239 0.102
0.00378 0.000398 0.88
21 american_peopl 12
0.48 0.000199 0.0302
0.0189 0 0.471
22 health_care 13
0.22 0 0.0181
0.472 0 0.29
23 presid_obama 2
0.0101 0 0.0973
0.625 0 0.267
24 decis_make 3
0.0101 0 0.0637
0.583 0 0.343
25 govern_bureaucrat 3
0.00756 0 0.0356
0.56 0 0.397
26 presid_obama 23
0.0492 0.000995 0.151
0.431 0 0.368
27 make_america 12
0.0281 0 0.0615
0.431 0 0.48
28 presid_obama 33
0.0515 0.0143 0.205
0.285 0 0.444
29 religi_organ 2
0.00517 0.00219 0.0189
0.323 0.0143 0.637
30 religi_liberti 9
0.0139 0.00119 0.0354
0.314 0.0163 0.619
31 presid_obama 10
0.0882 0.00358 0.0695
0.241 0.0115 0.587
32 found_principl 87
0.543 0.00577 0.101
0.217 0.000796 0.132
33 unit_state 21
0.275 0 0.00239
0.705 0.000199 0.0171
34 bumper_sticker 27
0.101 0.00617 0.000995
0.88 0 0.0115
35 increas_govern 12
0.0424 0.00736 0.00199
0.93 0.00557 0.0123
36 retir_save 166
0.515 0.0971 0.00836
0.372 0.00716 0
37 white_hous 14
0.0583 0.00239 0.00915
0.84 0.0852 0.00517
38 god_bless_america 80
0.359 0.00219 0.00338
0.63 0.00498 0.000199