Mitt Romney

This speech titled 01.15.2008.Southfield.MI originally had 858 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 27 cue terms and an average lag of 27.1. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 week_ago 17
0.486 0.000995 0.513
0 0 0
2 health_care 39
0.0898 0.000199 0.254
0.256 0 0.401
3 lower_tax 23
0.00139 0 0.332
0.0358 0 0.63
4 incom_american 4
0.000199 0 0.0151
0.036 0 0.949
5 social_secur 138
0.00358 0 0.0816
0.0328 0 0.882
6 health_care 14
0.00498 0 0.00657
0.0362 0 0.952
7 tax_break 16
0.00119 0.00299 0.00677
0.0394 0 0.95
8 incom_american 5
0.000597 0 0.0129
0.0358 0.000796 0.95
9 cut_back 11
0.0125 0.00179 0.0513
0.0229 0.000597 0.911
10 foreign_oil 23
0.546 0.00239 0.312
0.0151 0.000995 0.124
11 henri_ford 43
0.037 0.00736 0.51
0.121 0.00219 0.323
12 american_voter 65
0.0364 0.00119 0.287
0.0366 0.00219 0.637
13 hillari_clinton 39
0.0165 0.000597 0.156
0.0155 0.000398 0.811
14 barack_obama 2
0.139 0.0111 0.23
0.0304 0.000995 0.588
15 john_edward 2
0.00915 0 0.0127
0.164 0.00338 0.811
16 big_govern 42
0.412 0.000398 0.0513
0.127 0.000199 0.41
17 big_brother 2
0.121 0.000199 0.00517
0.531 0.000398 0.342
18 great_nation 52
0.53 0 0.00358
0.466 0 0.000597
19 american_peopl 3
0.0205 0 0.00677
0.968 0 0.00498
20 ronald_reagan 6
0.0312 0 0.0127
0.944 0 0.0117
21 american_peopl 13
0.085 0 0.0151
0.888 0 0.0119
22 power_nation 44
0.201 0 0.0364
0.75 0 0.0127
23 ronald_reagan 3
0.0314 0 0.00736
0.917 0 0.044
24 good_peopl 13
0.0681 0 0.0243
0.881 0 0.0271
25 power_nation 14
0.114 0.000199 0.044
0.811 0 0.0304
26 south_carolina 115
0.119 0.00398 0.706
0.132 0 0.038
27 white_hous 18
0.185 0.00259 0.0589
0.208 0.00279 0.542