Religious (L) cue lexicon

SAGE returned 941 terms for the cue lexicon of ideology Religious (L).

Cue terms

Cue term Freq in speeches (epoch) Part of SAGE weight
safeti_net 26 10 116.61
human_exist 1 7 269.777
public_good 6 9 40.035
american_citizen 34 12 16.212
evangel_leader 0 2 157.272
democrat_process 4 9 301.311
market_capit 0 5 181.683
theolog_seminari 0 1 63.589
cardboard_box 2 1 9.914
jon_stewart 0 2 20.08
young_man 68 11 596.504
moral_clariti 5 1 204.244
low_wage 3 4 64.905
public_arena 0 2 213.268
plastic_surgeri 0 1 43.795
deep_sens 2 2 9.914
main_street 165 10 77.69
fair_trade 11 3 461.274
terribl_thing 14 4 43.795
stop_terror 2 1 43.795
america_todai 44 9 207.628
long_run 19 12 260.753
psalm___NUM__ 0 3 76.078
econom_recess 0 1 269.777
isra_soldier 1 4 26.861
polit_parti 73 12 329.564
polit_gain 9 1 111.585
public_educ 42 11 77.126
spend_time 22 9 49.462
god_imag 0 2 314.899
republican_parti 64 6 286.296
god_call 2 2 286.698
biolog_famili 0 1 1295.981
bill_clinton 167 9 57.529
latin_america 73 9 227.933
baptist_church 6 8 6.527
long_term 47 12 186.517
polit_issu 9 12 255.676
popular_cultur 3 8 85.586
develop_countri 11 9 140.05
black_church 3 3 377.906
social_problem 1 6 187.323
american_famili 155 12 200.296
jesu_christ 5 8 407.454
pluribu_unum 0 4 168.04
muslim_world 24 10 66.409
free_enterpris 111 8 55.102
ten_year 96 12 246.546
year_back 3 3 441.453
polit_system 14 12 60.743
church_father 0 3 9.914
prophet_tradit 0 1 94.664
moral_respons 6 3 219.421
social_transform 0 3 46.078
proper_role 8 4 77.69
human_experi 2 4 235.829
lo_angel 22 11 78.335
gai_coupl 2 3 21.208
broader_commun 0 1 405.355
civil_religion 0 1 224.549
fifti_thousand 6 2 9.914
social_servic 6 8 210.69
american_revolut 7 11 111.585
church_leader 0 5 951.176
singl_mother 6 4 200.86
good_societi 0 1 118.353
child_poverti 3 1 221.729
golden_calf 0 1 213.268
social_order 0 10 382.794
true_patriot 3 2 9.914
moral_choic 1 1 40.411
iraq_war 50 8 274.043
elect_year 7 9 238.085
worthi_goal 1 1 21.208
poor_children 5 4 77.69
notr_dame 0 5 72.05
social_system 0 3 77.69
presid_reagan 26 8 32.515
true_faith 0 1 91.28
care_system 13 6 76.723
bud_light 0 2 9.914
real_world 10 12 60.743
american_feel 13 2 111.585
nation_founder 3 1 12.177
amaz_grace 1 1 57.359
sustain_world 0 1 9.914
progress_religion 0 1 1250.126
john___NUM__ 0 4 653.739
natur_instinct 0 1 60.743
__NUM___million 497 7 215.085
__DATE___attack 2 9 68.666
great_deal 40 12 100.304
direct_relationship 0 1 43.795
small_govern 14 5 299.106
domest_polici 5 7 17.26
real_estat 9 11 60.743
osama_bin 3 9 9.914
open_door 10 4 43.795
church_todai 0 2 9.914
super_bowl 3 7 88.971
domin_cultur 0 2 238.085
faith_commun 7 1 727.999
christian_faith 6 8 705.629
good_peopl 32 10 365.873
parent_famili 6 3 128.558
medic_care 35 11 125.121
promis_land 9 4 213.268
homeless_peopl 3 1 191.352
secular_left 0 1 43.795
polit_vision 1 1 9.914
john_adam 13 10 300.798
liberti_bell 1 1 371.514
innoc_peopl 25 8 368.13
poorest_countri 3 2 44.275
cornel_west 0 1 6.151
young_soldier 6 1 32.515
govern_program 60 11 140.352
religi_liber 0 1 105.944
world_religion 0 1 9.914
church_histori 0 3 382.794
genesi___NUM__ 0 2 190.707
grassroot_organ 0 2 32.515
hundr_peopl 0 5 226.805
christian_fundamentalist 0 2 235.829
global_poverti 15 1 665.181
spent_time 5 2 77.69
polit_choic 0 1 9.914
white_peopl 1 11 8.303
western_civil 2 8 55.102
fifti_year 21 12 83.975
industri_complex 4 9 156.76
world_todai 25 7 183.939
real_issu 2 9 104.816
william_penn 1 1 128.558
liber_theologi 0 3 478.679
human_sexual 0 3 77.69
nation_debt 44 11 173.68
modern_warfar 0 1 43.795
social_conscienc 0 1 326.18
poor_folk 4 1 100.304
public_discuss 1 5 43.795
social_gospel 0 1 729.743
kill_peopl 3 7 266.393
death_sentenc 0 9 15.561
danger_thing 0 1 9.914
south_africa 8 10 547.363
natur_god 0 4 226.805
seiz_control 1 3 9.914
oval_offic 43 10 60.743
polit_action 2 8 77.69
set_free 2 1 272.033
youth_group 0 1 422.276
poor_women 1 1 143.223
arab_world 11 9 238.085
pax_americana 0 1 300.234
hope_sign 0 1 9.914
kennedi_school 0 1 173.68
farewel_address 2 5 38.155
sad_truth 0 1 43.795
millennium_develop 4 1 9.914
glass_window 0 1 196.348
estat_tax 16 8 132.261
legal_protect 2 2 23.477
suicid_bomb 5 7 9.914
front_door 6 9 168.04
wall_street 588 6 268.156
tough_love 0 1 9.914
social_polici 9 7 159.016
martin_luther_king 27 9 628.87
moral_author 40 6 142.095
fals_choic 10 2 125.685
natur_resourc 21 10 371.514
religi_voter 0 2 37.027
serv_god 1 1 382.794
luther_king 0 9 628.87
christian_radio 0 1 24.041
resolv_conflict 1 1 100.304
tradit_famili 3 5 297.978
god_command 1 2 159.016
liber_church 0 1 100.304
robert_frank 0 1 21.208
abu_ghraib 17 8 224.549
true_christian 0 1 170.296
nation_capit 11 11 4.267
lip_servic 7 4 57.359
life_lesson 1 1 9.914
younger_gener 4 6 185.067
invis_hand 15 7 241.846
cultur_issu 0 4 96.92
human_heart 2 2 213.268
religi_leader 5 11 899.137
poor_famili 2 3 163.045
black_youth 0 1 38.155
pearl_harbor 31 7 100.304
import_issu 40 11 135.686
bottom_line 50 11 312.173
famili_ti 0 2 9.914
world_trade 3 12 119.134
thoma_pain 1 1 9.914
rich_folk 3 1 134.199
rich_peopl 18 10 518.373
christian_nation 2 6 733.111
christian_group 0 1 49.462
recent_year 43 12 207.628
deeper_level 0 1 136.455
higher_educ 86 8 4.267
tip_point 4 9 111.585
world_bank 10 8 165.921
cathol_church 8 10 403.781
econom_pressur 5 1 55.102
spangl_banner 2 2 204.808
tax_burden 24 9 102.721
fail_attempt 0 1 6.527
wrong_thing 5 1 12.177
western_cultur 0 5 179.321
__MONEY___billion 590 10 140.93
good_friend 37 8 473.038
child_labor 3 3 37.027
vacant_lot 4 1 128.558
teachabl_moment 0 1 77.69
prime_minist 50 11 398.163
fellow_citizen 50 11 152.277
ten_thousand 5 8 15.561
make_room 2 4 51.342
part___NUM__ 0 3 247.11
make_decis 36 10 9.914
willow_creek 1 1 727.486
colleg_professor 1 1 108.2
tax_collector 2 1 1146.9
town_meet 3 2 145.479
__NUM___a.m 9 9 43.795
incom_peopl 5 5 199.992
public_squar 15 9 400.36
defeat_terror 5 1 183.456
bless_america 3 1 67.699
freedom_fighter 4 6 100.304
feder_govern 271 9 143.484
seventeenth_centuri 0 4 111.585
famili_time 1 1 12.177
black_men 8 5 51.718
local_commun 29 7 62.999
religi_belief 4 10 584.855
person_respons 41 9 502.368
roman_empir 2 8 337.46
tax_break 424 10 98.366
real_sens 1 2 46.078
high_school 149 10 376.146
dinner_tabl 5 2 145.479
great_wealth 2 3 57.359
rich_man 0 4 557.854
rhode_island 7 8 473.038
holi_war 0 4 168.04
peopl_gather 3 2 159.016
death_penalti 15 9 721.386
worship_servic 0 2 252.856
american_polit 18 10 353.523
toni_blair 7 7 219.929
live_room 24 11 156.76
marri_coupl 7 7 77.69
chicken_hawk 0 2 185.067
common_sens 63 12 263.177
human_famili 3 1 286.698
conserv_cathol 0 1 9.914
rais_monei 17 10 26.861
common_good 25 10 716.991
white_men 2 6 40.411
god_polit 0 1 198.228
jim_walli 1 3 201.048
central_import 0 1 66.409
polit_war 0 2 91.28
red_light 0 3 77.69
press_confer 8 10 5.395
modern_time 4 5 9.914
dietrich_bonhoeff 0 1 97.484
open_letter 0 2 38.155
memori_servic 1 1 179.321
green_light 2 2 9.914
american_foreign 1 6 60.367
young_peopl 417 8 444.318
church_member 0 2 32.515
prophet_voic 0 1 311.515
homeland_secur 52 11 85.748
drug_addict 1 9 46.078
intern_law 11 9 639.408
amaz_thing 7 1 179.321
fundamentalist_christian 0 2 125.121
sundai_school 5 1 867.687
howard_dean 0 5 156.76
young_girl 19 8 196.348
moral_truth 0 5 9.914
evangel_christian 2 8 909.392
heavenli_father 0 2 179.321
polit_discours 1 7 153.376
public_polici 7 12 452.561
vast_major 45 11 100.304
close_friend 8 9 117.225
oklahoma_citi 1 6 320.539
world_war 62 9 399.419
subsequ_gener 0 1 77.69
million_peopl 9 12 161.796
public_opinion 10 12 7.171
social_justic 10 10 539.182
great_love 0 1 139.839
christian_church 1 4 365.873
commit_adulteri 0 1 230.189
innoc_live 4 1 29.117
spiritu_life 0 1 179.321
govern_polici 20 11 79.946
bring_peac 3 1 9.914
sacr_text 0 1 134.199
american_occup 0 1 164.656
social_movement 1 5 245.982
women_suffrag 3 1 48.334
privat_properti 20 10 0.878
terrorist_violenc 2 1 413.252
pledg_allegi 31 2 416.636
abraham_lincoln 31 11 606.491
polit_wisdom 1 1 60.743
year_ago 408 9 247.335
made_sens 3 5 43.795
bad_choic 2 1 32.515
big_govern 46 10 13.869
difficult_time 61 5 15.561
__NUM___peopl 72 11 122.865
american_ideal 13 5 116.285
west_virginia 62 8 23.477
jame_dobson 0 3 11.613
coffe_shop 1 6 9.914
matthew___NUM__ 1 5 947.652
econom_crisi 187 11 730.985
religi_heritag 2 1 60.743
hard_work 298 12 88.971
organ_religion 0 1 509.912
etern_life 0 3 480.935
secular_humanist 0 1 147.735
nation_guard 61 10 98.693
nonprofit_organ 2 4 17.824
jerri_falwel 2 5 303.084
nation_soul 0 1 12.177
moral_plai 0 1 190.707
american_soldier 30 9 4.267
polit_conserv 0 1 14.433
declar_war 12 9 122.865
moral_question 1 1 170.296
power_nation 14 2 55.102
american_cultur 2 11 60.743
vice_presid 84 12 96.706
war_ii 0 12 120.444
baptist_minist 2 1 85.21
bill_gate 11 9 26.861
religi_commun 0 3 1087.37
god_work 3 2 125.121
roger_william 1 1 185.067
citi_offici 1 7 43.795
world_war_ii 121 12 120.444
econom_system 12 8 274.289
health_insur 393 8 286.283
moral_imper 12 3 114.405
wrong_question 0 1 281.057
remain_superpow 0 1 6.527
class_warfar 8 9 386.501
unit_church 2 1 46.078
endless_war 5 1 62.999
same_token 0 1 9.914
hungri_peopl 0 1 200.86
common_ground 34 11 210.807
mother_teresa 2 2 1167.027
polit_arena 3 8 60.743
todai_world 10 1 100.304
religi_conserv 0 4 285.57
hebrew_bibl 0 3 331.82
ga_station 16 8 43.795
poor_countri 5 8 391.98
militari_forc 37 11 185.067
natur_world 2 7 134.199
thing_call 2 1 9.914
presbyterian_church 0 1 204.244
american_histori 51 12 490.281
cut_tax 215 10 104.816
benjamin_franklin 2 9 168.04
grow_number 4 10 252.856
feel_good 14 10 60.743
bin_laden 115 9 248.788
salvat_armi 1 1 221.729
act___NUM__ 0 4 269.777
fall_asleep 1 1 9.914
civil_liberti 17 10 200.376
nation_secur 332 8 343.541
econom_secur 29 5 16.696
good_christian 0 1 96.92
american_life 14 8 565.372
luke___NUM__ 0 4 975.658
john_kerri 6 9 99.581
critic_time 12 1 331.82
monei_changer 0 1 467.398
back_home 45 10 100.304
desmond_tutu 0 1 265.453
market_economi 10 9 224.549
nation_cathedr 0 1 25.357
small_thing 14 2 105.944
nelson_mandela 3 2 3.702
environment_degrad 7 3 77.69
sex_coupl 7 4 132.695
deepli_root 0 3 119.481
profess_christian 0 2 32.515
real_life 2 10 79.946
corpor_execut 6 5 87.359
staff_member 2 7 66.409
govern_spend 86 12 9.914
american_militari 25 8 70.951
exist_order 0 1 111.585
american_peopl 1220 6 289.834
commun_organ 62 8 46.078
move_forward 253 11 9.914
democrat_societi 4 8 190.707
american_war 2 7 100.304
christian_tradit 3 2 66.409
conflict_resolut 1 1 60.743
father_figur 0 2 43.795
famou_word 1 1 43.795
human_live 0 2 195.014
make_good 20 10 26.861
real_threat 10 3 170.296
indigen_peopl 3 4 9.914
mission_statement 2 2 43.795
god_creation 3 1 130.814
extrem_poverti 13 3 41.539
world_popul 1 7 27.374
presid_georg 3 12 217.807
spend_monei 37 9 100.304
american_moral 1 1 9.914
colleg_student 36 11 135.327
american_liberti 4 4 9.914
black_peopl 3 9 78.603
child_care 37 5 64.935
econom_justic 12 5 127.753
earli_dai 10 10 247.11
biolog_father 0 1 43.795
thousand_peopl 2 9 168.04
partisan_polit 4 6 77.69
make_sens 41 11 495.126
net_worth 4 7 72.05
york_citi 78 11 422.598
good_thing 52 12 625.48
world_peopl 3 2 43.795
leadership_role 6 1 55.371
great_recess 11 8 929.69
inaugur_address 5 8 186.947
nativ_american 65 9 553.052
beauti_thing 1 1 314.899
peopl_live 53 12 344.712
natur_cycl 0 2 43.795
sick_peopl 0 1 77.69
credit_card 69 12 329.08
conserv_polit 0 6 127.054
god_bless_america 93 1 67.699
fight_terror 14 5 125.121
polit_view 6 8 8.303
realiti_tv 0 1 43.795
great_depress 144 10 528.107
person_live 5 5 9.914
incom_famili 23 9 363.09
free_societi 14 10 145.479
commun_live 0 1 9.914
unit_methodist 0 1 441.453
__MONEY___million 247 9 153.436
base_initi 1 3 910.795
god_love 4 2 1089.74
melt_pot 2 4 128.558
true_religion 0 1 128.558
mainlin_protest 0 1 87.278
small_group 13 10 377.154
bad_appl 4 1 111.585
intern_cooper 7 1 15.561
poor_commun 0 1 55.102
love_god 13 2 552.214
__NUM___year 760 10 39.648
question_remain 1 3 77.69
peopl_stand 7 1 43.795
cultur_war 1 11 94.664
usa_todai 5 8 6.151
hold_back 3 7 9.914
polit_leader 16 12 758.562
terrorist_attack 34 12 406.758
polit_life 5 8 145.479
american_power 17 7 122.865
children_live 17 5 29.117
extend_famili 4 5 122.865
methodist_church 1 1 72.05
modern_world 3 9 43.795
nongovernment_organ 1 2 29.117
christian_colleg 0 2 21.208
minimum_wage 75 12 163.528
polit_philosophi 7 10 93.536
isra_militari 0 3 55.102
biblic_text 0 3 218.909
good_job 263 11 192.963
rise_tide 4 3 405.355
overcom_poverti 0 1 789.61
american_democraci 3 9 286.698
christian_soldier 0 1 77.69
commun_life 0 1 145.479
good_work 14 8 66.409
greek_word 0 1 215.524
polit_agenda 1 8 308.131
young_republican 0 1 60.743
tax_cut 796 8 398.539
religi_tradit 0 3 867.804
hard_thing 13 1 9.914
leagu_basebal 0 1 21.208
peopl_call 4 2 111.585
cathol_worker 0 1 224.549
compassion_conserv 2 1 32.515
cold_war 115 9 112.61
famili_relationship 0 1 77.69
human_natur 9 12 523.023
chapter___NUM__ 2 12 727.212
ten_command 2 6 551.247
great_britain 11 10 10.559
earli_church 0 2 1150.233
presidenti_candid 69 12 10.559
moral_relativ 1 4 55.102
groceri_store 7 9 77.69
high_time 4 2 66.409
invit_peopl 3 1 168.04
cell_phone 8 10 431.245
holi_spirit 1 5 43.795
iraqi_civilian 3 1 23.477
end_poverti 15 2 247.11
human_relat 0 2 32.515
long_view 1 2 43.795
religi_peopl 3 5 428.356
feder_budget 46 11 117.225
immin_threat 7 1 32.515
civil_disobedi 1 5 170.296
pai_tax 36 12 25.25
preemptiv_war 8 2 526.269
american_religion 0 2 26.861
care_deepli 12 1 100.304
fresh_air 3 1 26.861
wide_open 9 5 60.743
religi_institut 3 2 26.861
love_peopl 2 1 128.558
full_rang 7 3 100.304
cathol_bishop 1 2 246.985
social_behavior 0 1 9.914
safe_distanc 0 1 145.479
unholi_allianc 0 1 43.795
base_organ 8 3 483.191
moral_law 0 3 32.515
health_care 1290 10 145.559
pai_attent 28 10 286.698
global_trade 4 4 14.057
same_thing 109 12 474.978
troop_home 135 3 49.462
american_church 0 2 557.854
found_father 35 11 55.102
theodor_roosevelt 6 7 169.92
poverti_reduct 2 1 216.037
great_awaken 0 1 281.057
environment_stewardship 1 1 9.914
import_role 9 8 15.561
luther_king_jr 3 1 322.502
jonathan_edward 0 1 10.559
transform_power 3 2 9.914
retir_fund 2 2 83.33
fundament_question 6 4 128.558
isra_occup 0 2 32.515
polit_power 6 12 540.348
god_children 4 2 553.342
econom_inequ 3 8 29.117
american_experi 7 7 269.777
social_action 0 1 52.282
park_lot 3 8 125.121
big_busi 22 10 120.797
nuclear_famili 0 2 1196.998
polic_offic 37 11 391.203
war_zone 1 5 111.585
energi_economi 34 1 9.914
public_debat 4 7 185.067
__NUM___corinthian 0 2 9.914
good_neighbor 7 1 111.585
bodi_polit 1 7 206.5
american_woman 3 2 55.102
__NUM___elect 15 9 152.597
hold_fast 2 2 43.795
strict_father 0 1 856.084
conserv_evangel 0 2 265.265
war_theori 0 2 269.777
moral_compass 4 3 377.154
terribl_mistak 12 1 15.561
american_centuri 38 4 2.76
social_contract 8 8 145.479
daili_bread 0 1 111.585
bad_theologi 0 1 1166.723
social_respons 2 7 313.288
worst_thing 19 5 43.795
religi_languag 0 2 237.709
capit_punish 0 8 259.654
american_creed 3 3 1041.61
birth_control 1 10 168.04
bibl_studi 0 2 116.419
govern_power 4 9 9.914
welfar_reform 12 7 5.556
karl_rove 9 8 65.281
move_closer 6 1 43.795
iraqi_children 1 1 100.304
fallen_short 5 1 23.477
donald_rumsfeld 3 7 12.016
social_secur 263 7 111.182
poor_peopl 7 10 696.112
meet_peopl 21 2 9.914
religi_fundamentalist 0 1 292.338
moral_principl 4 5 7.091
earli_christian 1 5 1037.907
american_foreign_polici 12 5 37.779
good_time 28 11 145.479
feel_secur 5 1 12.177
power_forc 14 7 26.861
suprem_court 93 8 173.891
reduc_poverti 6 3 167.425
scientif_evid 3 6 6.527
innoc_civilian 3 2 108.764
materi_thing 2 1 43.795
bush_administr 159 8 253.443
christian_life 0 2 399.715
same_spirit 6 1 43.795
make_clear 25 10 302.114
front_porch 12 1 43.795
en_mass 1 7 9.914
human_soul 1 1 9.914
nobel_peac 7 1 29.95
peopl_feel 10 7 111.585
racial_justic 4 3 181.683
role_model 13 8 345.356
deepli_religi 0 1 66.409
great_thing 31 7 192.963
famili_life 2 9 424.353
thirti_year 29 12 198.872
mass_destruct 59 10 528.434
public_life 33 12 666.543
american_mission 1 1 21.208
major_rule 0 6 38.155
global_secur 3 1 8.303
washington_post 0 11 336.896
iraqi_peopl 19 4 557.854
work_famili 203 5 80.107
moral_ground 0 1 201.988
tax_polici 30 9 30.053
roman___NUM__ 0 3 362.489
vietnam_war 17 12 168.04
taco_bell 0 1 88.971
refuge_camp 8 5 91.28
hard_time 23 12 388.947
collater_damag 1 6 554.47
renew_energi 141 8 23.477
soldier_kill 2 1 43.795
moral_major 0 1 109.328
intern_commun 38 8 248.802
jewish_tradit 1 1 145.479
homeless_man 0 1 43.795
religi_convict 0 1 159.016
york_time 40 8 284.083
good_samaritan 1 3 270.905
american_flag 14 9 100.304
real_thing 5 5 9.914
greatest_threat 8 3 43.795
bear_children 0 1 32.515
cindi_sheehan 0 1 9.914
religi_divers 0 2 32.515
christian_ethic 0 1 526.269
thoma_jefferson 10 12 466.127
american_tradit 5 3 32.515
ronald_reagan 164 9 115.186
moral_sentiment 0 2 32.515
clear_signal 1 1 9.914
gai_marriag 10 12 490.878
mass_murder 3 10 185.067
american_dream 256 9 479.0
person_faith 1 1 137.583
succeed_gener 1 1 113.841
doubl_standard 2 6 145.479
christian_evangel 2 1 230.189
twentieth_centuri 5 12 567.945
polit_spectrum 3 10 637.331
import_question 9 8 91.28
prayer_breakfast 0 2 376.026
same_stori 7 4 32.515
social_construct 0 2 9.914
abort_rate 0 3 113.636
cathol_social 0 1 66.409
human_power 0 1 88.971
bill_moyer 0 1 88.971
talk_back 1 2 9.914
jewish_law 0 1 43.795
start_talk 17 7 125.121
american_freedom 2 3 117.225
dorothi_dai 0 1 398.104
billion_peopl 6 4 173.68
compassion_conservat 2 4 13.254
young_american 61 9 26.861
elect_offici 31 12 385.853
polit_ideolog 2 2 0.878
democrat_parti 97 8 189.902
econom_develop 32 8 29.117
stock_market 36 11 94.664
soup_kitchen 1 1 9.914
god_creat 0 4 266.957
bibl_belt 0 1 32.515
public_school 53 9 370.661
fulfil_propheci 0 1 57.359
king_jr 0 1 322.502
world_poorest 5 1 31.159
god_kingdom 0 2 518.373
live_wage 19 4 145.479
corpor_profit 31 5 66.409
god_made 0 3 43.795
ecolog_sustain 0 2 43.795
work_hard 412 12 310.972
million_dollar 75 10 21.208
web_site 45 10 32.515
charact_assassin 1 1 55.102
civil_societi 12 11 348.74
polit_campaign 47 10 55.102
moral_issu 8 7 918.318
tax_credit 297 11 43.637
free_trade 36 10 34.771
global_warm 174 8 252.267
million_children 20 1 16.803
gai_man 0 1 49.462
execut_director 9 10 51.718
public_offic 20 8 66.409
christian_live 0 1 9.914
american_empir 0 3 147.735
middl_class 1107 7 320.589
religi_practic 1 2 66.409
__NUM___campaign 6 10 26.861
import_thing 64 11 337.46
moral_foundat 1 2 21.96
student_movement 0 3 55.102
polit_engag 0 3 43.795
ordinari_peopl 20 10 126.947
home_loan 16 1 26.861
debt_relief 7 1 62.999
spread_freedom 0 1 111.585
school_board 5 9 68.666
litmu_test 3 5 109.123
fourth_centuri 1 2 60.743
sundai_morn 5 5 309.259
religi_educ 0 1 15.561
longer_live 4 1 111.585
mainstream_media 4 9 9.914
conspicu_consumpt 0 1 125.121
presid_bush 283 7 333.106
social_issu 2 12 322.795
recent_decad 3 9 83.33
econom_growth 131 11 34.771
materi_good 0 1 77.69
creat_equal 29 8 771.792
american_religi 0 1 68.666
militari_occup 1 3 74.306
nation_psych 2 1 43.795
establish_church 1 1 55.102
human_histori 9 11 201.988
middl_east 257 6 314.761
mark___NUM__ 1 2 264.137
social_structur 0 3 111.585
social_activ 0 1 129.203
unit_nation 73 8 435.416
nation_holidai 1 1 134.199
human_race 3 8 9.914
martin_luther 1 11 635.869
righteou_indign 0 1 9.914
nation_polit 4 9 128.558
origin_sin 1 5 111.585
privat_sector 169 11 56.23
hurrican_katrina 16 11 190.707
religi_extremist 0 1 43.795
polit_debat 8 8 219.553
capitol_hill 16 11 16.696
innoc_life 4 1 111.585
south_carolina 153 12 134.843
religi_fanat 0 1 9.914
worth_note 0 9 94.664
decis_make 14 7 27.989
isaiah___NUM__ 0 2 270.422
osama_bin_laden 57 9 9.914
univers_declar 2 2 72.05
religi_principl 0 1 102.355
strong_sens 3 3 32.515
turn_back 89 9 32.515
special_interest 254 11 108.337
establish_religion 0 3 66.409
long_ago 41 12 513.713
eleanor_roosevelt 0 1 110.618
peopl_make 41 8 159.016
nuclear_weapon 233 10 178.911
militari_attack 1 2 66.409
moral_hazard 2 6 4.912
christian_famili 0 1 317.155
religi_toler 7 3 83.33
famili_breakdown 0 1 51.718
thirti_thousand 3 2 130.814
thousand_year 1 10 60.179
civil_war 120 10 423.987
peopl_learn 4 1 9.914
leviticu___NUM__ 0 1 531.909
food_stamp 51 9 35.335
nineteenth_centuri 0 12 465.585
kei_role 5 6 32.515
christian_commun 0 2 492.215
statu_quo 111 12 488.261
big_troubl 0 1 247.11
hundr_year 40 12 305.875
saddam_hussein 54 12 474.317
call_christian 0 1 29.279
biblic_stori 0 1 111.585
mention_earlier 6 4 43.795
polit_activ 1 8 88.971
bad_thing 10 12 196.348
human_liberti 0 2 26.861
centuri_american 1 2 88.971
class_famili 356 8 209.884
georg_bush 344 11 650.395
polit_question 2 3 30.568
case_scenario 2 7 9.914
forti_year 21 12 6.688
long_time 141 11 489.631
polit_correct 9 10 83.33
timothi_mcveigh 0 1 279.929
franklin_roosevelt 27 8 161.272
chosen_peopl 0 2 145.479
fight_back 20 10 134.199
fals_prophet 1 2 252.856
biblic_scholar 0 1 489.959
point_plan 36 1 79.946
stark_contrast 5 6 49.462
unit_kingdom 17 10 56.311
american_christian 0 5 23.477
human_digniti 19 5 299.858
real_question 5 5 88.971
manifest_destini 0 1 209.884
common_life 0 1 32.515
roman_cathol 0 6 57.359
__MONEY___trillion 289 10 6.124
bad_habit 1 1 43.795
polit_decis 7 3 90.128
year_lead 1 1 43.795
liber_christian 0 1 701.117
strong_nation 9 1 9.914
good_life 7 7 337.46
divin_school 0 1 117.225
christian_activist 0 1 43.795
american_civil 3 6 47.851
religi_issu 0 1 1155.442
biblic_prophet 0 1 664.028
govern_regul 17 9 196.348
busi_leader 8 10 218.909
suicid_bomber 8 6 96.92
religi_faith 6 9 297.978
isra_polici 0 1 32.515
white_hous 366 10 98.63
famili_back 5 1 43.795
conserv_christian 0 7 531.345
pat_robertson 1 5 124.074
social_program 4 8 431.945
peopl_hate 0 1 43.795
religi_liberti 18 7 653.53
collect_action 2 4 60.743
peac_movement 0 2 269.777
white_man 1 8 111.585
twelv_year 11 5 32.515
wealthi_countri 2 2 0.878
deepli_held 1 1 210.448
death_row 11 5 365.873
human_suffer 3 1 311.515
american_societi 8 12 116.097
afford_hous 14 5 5.586
west_bank 4 9 192.963
barack_obama 281 6 1.523
basebal_team 0 1 43.795
make_choic 7 1 9.914
top___NUM__ 10 11 66.217
bring_back 27 7 49.462
democrat_ideal 1 1 111.585
same_time 98 9 319.127
christian_theologi 0 3 405.355
human_life 26 10 515.443
develop_world 26 10 226.805
ordinari_radic 0 1 845.932
human_sin 0 1 247.11
nation_histori 22 9 439.197
air_forc 36 11 37.591
sex_educ 0 6 20.21
religi_view 2 2 95.308
nation_ident 0 7 43.795
god_exist 0 2 179.321
civilian_casualti 3 5 79.946
twenti_year 42 12 72.802
fellow_human 4 3 43.795
real_solut 18 1 317.155
foreign_polici 238 9 292.926
adam_smith 5 8 19.704
african_american 71 9 360.801
global_economi 166 12 363.134
human_condit 0 6 9.914
increasingli_clear 0 2 9.914
christian_leader 3 4 110.457
futur_gener 100 12 326.18
stop_make 4 1 1.443
live_thing 0 5 9.914
black_american 1 8 117.225
famili_member 33 12 601.822
peopl_seek 2 1 31.709
god_bless 292 6 815.072
run_deeper 1 1 43.795
hundr_thousand 13 10 110.457
south_african 0 7 639.331
commun_member 1 3 173.68
natur_inclin 0 2 43.795
work_poor 6 5 20.644
larg_corpor 3 8 12.177
christian_societi 0 1 21.208
natur_law 1 9 447.093
rais_children 10 4 100.304
book_call 9 6 190.707
phone_call 111 10 6.527
dorm_room 3 2 43.795
food_court 0 1 21.208
jimmi_carter 17 12 203.868
make_poverti 1 1 8.786
natur_order 1 2 224.549
democrat_principl 2 1 49.462
make_monei 40 11 73.93
antiwar_movement 0 5 38.155
divers_group 2 1 77.69
american_presid 32 9 155.632
religi_freedom 24 8 241.47
presid_clinton 60 11 1.443
singl_mom 66 2 66.409
bumper_sticker 5 8 617.077