
increasingli_difficult can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 4 speeches. Its been used 5 times by 2 candidates.

Cue lexicons

increasingli_difficult is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

in fact __PUNCT__ we made it increasingli difficult for doctor to do that becaus of the wai insur compani reimburs physician __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.09.17.remarks_in_des_moines_iowa_on_american_health_choices_plan during the 2008 Primary elections.

the presid go it alon strategi ha diminish our posit in the region and around the world __PUNCT__ and that diminish posit __PUNCT__ in turn __PUNCT__ ha made it increasingli difficult for us to bring about a polit solut __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2008.03.17.remarks_at_the_george_washingon_university_in_washington_dc during the 2008 Primary elections.

and the increasingli difficult task of restor american leadership in a world that ha come to view our nation with suspicion and mistrust __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.07.10.speech_at_the_temple_for_the_performing_arts_in_des_moines_iowa during the 2008 Primary elections.

and our diminish posit __PUNCT__ in turn __PUNCT__ ha made it increasingli difficult for us to bring about a polit solut in iraq __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.07.10.speech_at_the_temple_for_the_performing_arts_in_des_moines_iowa during the 2008 Primary elections.

moreov __PUNCT__ until we chang our approach in iraq __PUNCT__ it will be increasingli difficult to refocu our effort on the challeng in the wider region __PUNCT__ on the conflict in the middl east __PUNCT__ where hama and hezbollah feel embolden and israel prospect for a secur peac seem uncertain __PUNCT__ on iran __PUNCT__ which ha been strengthen by the war in iraq __PUNCT__ and on afghanistan __PUNCT__ where more american forc ar need to battl al qaeda __PUNCT__ track down osama bin laden __PUNCT__ and stop that countri from backslid toward instabl __PUNCT__

Barack Obama in 2007.04.23 during the 2008 Primary elections.


increasingli_difficult is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.07.10.speech_at_the_temple_for_the_performing_arts_in_des_moines_iowa
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.09.17.remarks_in_des_moines_iowa_on_american_health_choices_plan
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2008.03.17.remarks_at_the_george_washingon_university_in_washington_dc
Barack Obama 2008 Primary 2007.04.23