Rick Santorum

This speech titled 2012.01.10.remarks_in_manchester_following_the_new_hampshire_primary originally had 749 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 13 cue terms and an average lag of 47.5. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 ten_dai 45
0.978 0.00139 0.0203
0 0 0
2 dai_ago 0
0.00139 0 0.000199
0.978 0.00139 0.0195
3 recent_poll 16
0.0177 0.000398 0.00378
0.962 0.000398 0.0161
4 ten_time 13
0.0273 0.00299 0.0386
0.913 0.000597 0.0175
5 american_peopl 114
0.842 0.0559 0.0191
0.082 0.000199 0.000398
6 short_period 130
0.0601 0.0211 0.887
0.0265 0.000995 0.00398
7 barack_obama 91
0.128 0.0225 0.643
0.0101 0.00119 0.195
8 world_war 54
0.0243 0.208 0.35
0.0143 0.0157 0.388
9 free_countri 79
0.0255 0.107 0.517
0.00159 0.0609 0.288
10 america_todai 27
0.0299 0.224 0.17
0.0109 0.146 0.419
11 south_carolina 42
0.0107 0.0557 0.425
0.00119 0.144 0.363
12 mitt_romnei 59
0.0852 0.0109 0.443
0.00617 0.0414 0.414
13 work_hard 7
0.000995 0.00199 0.184
0.00597 0.0109 0.796