Rick Santorum

This speech titled 2012.01.03.remarks_in_johnston_following_the_iowa_caucuses originally had 2721 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 50 cue terms and an average lag of 48.7. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 sit_back 112
0.0625 0.572 0.366
0 0 0
2 town_hall_meet 30
0.000398 0.0199 0.619
0.000398 0.142 0.219
3 month_ago 144
0.0131 0.000796 0.844
0 0 0.142
4 world_war 83
0.0408 0.226 0.428
0.000199 0.000995 0.304
5 __NUM___year 143
0.456 0.237 0.228
0.00478 0.0293 0.0452
6 work_hard 240
0.00259 0.00876 0.974
0 0.000199 0.0141
7 rais_tax 58
0.0247 0.0221 0.416
0.000199 0.00139 0.536
8 food_stamp 21
0.000597 0 0.142
0.000995 0 0.857
9 social_welfar 5
0.000995 0 0.0505
0 0 0.948
10 welfar_program 0
0.000398 0.000597 0.0229
0.000597 0 0.976
11 govern_subsidi 9
0.0334 0.00318 0.289
0.000398 0.000199 0.674
12 cut_tax 38
0.000199 0.000995 0.33
0 0.000199 0.668
13 balanc_budget 19
0 0 0.0543
0 0 0.946
14 __MONEY___trillion 4
0 0 0.0111
0 0 0.989
15 balanc_budget_amend 12
0.0127 0.00418 0.0645
0 0 0.919
16 cut_tax 45
0 0 0.189
0 0 0.811
17 balanc_budget 2
0 0 0.00756
0 0 0.992
18 tax_code 25
0.000398 0.00119 0.319
0 0 0.68
19 ronald_reagan 31
0 0.00418 0.0141
0 0.000796 0.981
20 corpor_tax 15
0.000796 0 0.0111
0 0.000796 0.987
21 small_town 29
0.23 0.036 0.516
0.000398 0.000199 0.217
22 good_job 34
0.0247 0.182 0.385
0.038 0.0219 0.348
23 manufactur_job 72
0.000199 0.000597 0.642
0 0.000597 0.357
24 trade_partner 11
0.000796 0 0.0921
0 0 0.907
25 corpor_tax 57
0.00617 0.000597 0.0235
0 0 0.97
26 __MONEY___million 16
0.075 0 0.00279
0.00617 0 0.916
27 clinton_administr 23
0.00219 0 0.00955
0.0812 0 0.907
28 averag___NUM__ 3
0.000398 0 0.000995
0.083 0 0.916
29 __MONEY___million 3
0 0 0.000398
0.0834 0 0.916
30 sharp_contrast 127
0.947 0.00955 0.0267
0.000995 0 0.0161
31 steel_mill 103
0.161 0.384 0.309
0.124 0.00498 0.0165
32 elect_year 26
0.0388 0.157 0.0953
0.162 0.338 0.21
33 georg_bush 3
0.00438 0.131 0.0121
0.143 0.491 0.219
34 work_peopl 30
0.0583 0.039 0.552
0.0599 0.183 0.107
35 democrat_parti 39
0.82 0.0191 0.0165
0.0961 0.0173 0.0306
36 same_peopl 24
0.193 0.00358 0.0119
0.768 0.0103 0.0131
37 presid_obama 2
0.0541 0.000398 0.000398
0.934 0.00378 0.00756
38 good_neighbor 66
0.16 0.111 0.463
0.262 0.00159 0.00279
39 barack_obama 46
0.0271 0.00557 0.692
0.0247 0.00478 0.246
40 found_principl 8
0.000398 0.0396 0.0999
0.00279 0.00856 0.849
41 town_hall_meet 29
0.000398 0.11 0.209
0 0.0458 0.634
42 world_todai 178
0.356 0.0454 0.541
0.000398 0.00219 0.0551
43 york_time 100
0.293 0.308 0.15
0.11 0.0201 0.119
44 human_life 277
0.00617 0.00219 0.988
0 0 0.00338
45 great_countri 9
0.000199 0 0.0896
0 0 0.91
46 rick_santorum 64
0.00478 0.0362 0.473
0 0 0.486
47 south_carolina 29
0.0121 0.132 0.207
0.000597 0.0287 0.62
48 __NUM___time 41
0.0894 0.00995 0.367
0.00637 0.0169 0.51
49 god_grace 44
0.0255 0.0263 0.408
0.0179 0.00517 0.517
50 god_bless 11
0.000199 0.000597 0.324
0.000796 0.00179 0.673