Bill Richardson

This speech titled 2007.07.16.speech_women_for_richardson_announcement originally had 1411 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 35 cue terms and an average lag of 33.6. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 women_health 107
0.903 0.00915 0.0876
0 0 0
2 special_interest 79
0.0951 0.00617 0.0279
0.78 0.00836 0.083
3 dramat_increas 56
0.0649 0.00179 0.00458
0.824 0.0105 0.0943
4 domest_violenc 3
0.0237 0 0.00259
0.864 0.0113 0.0983
5 women_health 26
0.217 0.000796 0.00239
0.687 0.00876 0.0848
6 cabinet_secretari 144
0.615 0.0458 0.0635
0.245 0.00358 0.0269
7 work_close 10
0.188 0 0.00318
0.762 0.00179 0.045
8 bring_home 109
0.387 0 0.00657
0.605 0 0.00159
9 __NUM___year 28
0.0808 0.00119 0.0531
0.858 0 0.00736
10 suprem_court 15
0.0235 0.00398 0.00517
0.918 0.000995 0.048
11 exist_law 34
0.0328 0.00139 0.0153
0.898 0.00418 0.048
12 famili_leav 126
0.106 0 0.0155
0.845 0 0.0338
13 step_forward 44
0.0115 0 0.00259
0.939 0 0.0472
14 famili_leav 15
0.00776 0 0.00119
0.943 0 0.0484
15 enorm_amount 54
0.535 0.000995 0.00299
0.445 0 0.0165
16 work_famili 12
0.213 0 0
0.786 0 0.000597
17 social_secur 39
0.0109 0 0.00139
0.987 0 0.000199
18 american_live 13
0.0225 0.0143 0.0488
0.913 0 0.00139
19 work_forc 23
0.0599 0.000199 0.000597
0.93 0.00318 0.00577
20 social_secur 26
0.0165 0 0
0.983 0 0
21 lip_servic 19
0.00139 0 0
0.999 0 0
22 social_secur 16
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
23 minimum_wage 8
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
24 social_secur 13
0.00259 0 0
0.997 0 0
25 suprem_court_justic 50
0.473 0.0804 0.0683
0.378 0 0
26 peopl_call 9
0.125 0.00597 0.00776
0.734 0.075 0.0529
27 litmu_test 4
0.0657 0 0.00259
0.824 0.0539 0.0539
28 unit_state 13
0.193 0 0.0147
0.745 0 0.047
29 famili_plan 8
0.0235 0.000398 0.00398
0.913 0 0.0595
30 women_health 5
0.0125 0.00179 0.000995
0.921 0.000398 0.0635
31 unit_state 5
0.0299 0.000199 0.00677
0.897 0.00219 0.0637
32 young_girl 8
0.0169 0.0842 0.0151
0.819 0.00279 0.0623
33 creat___NUM__ 23
0.0111 0.00876 0.00199
0.816 0.0866 0.0758
34 young_girl 15
0.0139 0.000398 0.00697
0.809 0.0921 0.0776
35 big_thing 53
0.0599 0.0157 0.306
0.479 0.0633 0.0762