Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman is a Republican candidate in the 2012 Primary elections. CLIP model was run on 5 speeches from his elections.


The chart and table below shows the ideological proportions inferred by CLIP for each election.

Ideology 2012 Primary
Total left 0.464
Left 0.333
Far Left 0.009
Center-Left 0.016
Progressive (L) 0.009
Religious (L) 0.097
Center 0.072
Total right 0.463
Right 0.313
Far Right 0.04
Libertarian (R) 0.016
Center-Right 0.05
Populist (R) 0.024
Religious (R) 0.02

Cue terms used in epoches

For each `stage` of the elections, you can view the posterior distributions inferred by CLIP for every cue term in his speeches, or an overview of the terms that were used during each epoch.

2012 Primary

In 2012 Primary, Jon Huntsman gave 5 speeches. Click here to see a list of cue terms he used during this election.

# Title Length Cue terms Left Center Right
1 2011.06.21.remarks_announcing_candidacy_for_president_in_jersey_city_new_jersey 1665 48
0.297 0.11 0.594
2 2011.10.10.address_at_southern_new_hampshire_university_in_manchester 3523 129
0.431 0.052 0.516
3 2011.12.08.remarks_at_the_national_press_club_in_washington_dc 1546 66
0.663 0.118 0.219
4 2012.01.10.remarks_in_manchester_following_the_new_hampshire_primary 1569 42
0.298 0.047 0.655
5 2012.01.16.remarks_in_myrtle_beach_south_carolina_announcing_the_end_of_presidential_campaign_activities 1194 48
0.76 0.056 0.184