John Edwards

This speech titled 2007.10.13.remarks_in_keene_new_hampshire originally had 3372 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 128 cue terms and an average lag of 23.4. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 special_interest 81
0.745 0.00259 0.252
0 0 0
2 found_father 23
0.143 0.0103 0.0217
0.68 0.00179 0.143
3 special_interest 20
0.113 0 0.0456
0.738 0.000398 0.103
4 good_peopl 60
0.315 0.000398 0.00159
0.678 0 0.00438
5 power_interest 10
0.034 0.000199 0.00816
0.954 0 0.00358
6 centuri_ago 8
0.0322 0.0245 0.00418
0.931 0.000199 0.00776
7 busi_interest 9
0.0326 0.0629 0.000995
0.875 0.0259 0.00279
8 american_economi 9
0.0374 0.0237 0.000398
0.851 0.088 0
9 free_market 17
0.0814 0.00358 0.00776
0.816 0.0915 0.000199
10 american_peopl 14
0.153 0.000398 0.0583
0.775 0.00617 0.00756
11 theodor_roosevelt 37
0.151 0.00697 0.0191
0.789 0.00577 0.0283
12 american_centuri 17
0.0856 0.00975 0.00219
0.883 0.0119 0.00776
13 middl_class 14
0.079 0.00418 0.000597
0.899 0.0169 0.000597
14 special_interest 9
0.0283 0.000398 0.238
0.727 0.000597 0.00537
15 face_todai 10
0.0231 0.00119 0.16
0.582 0.000995 0.233
16 special_interest 67
0.221 0.000597 0.151
0.413 0.000199 0.214
17 work_american 123
0.591 0.0414 0.000199
0.367 0.000597 0.000199
18 big_corpor 10
0.0498 0.000597 0.00199
0.923 0.0239 0.000398
19 unit_state 9
0.00219 0 0.958
0.0259 0 0.0141
20 state_senat 0
0 0 0.0255
0.00119 0 0.973
21 red_state 10
0 0 0.045
0 0 0.955
22 special_interest 16
0.0372 0 0.0545
0.000398 0 0.908
23 govern_back 22
0.0438 0 0.0846
0.0314 0 0.84
24 work_peopl 5
0.00498 0.000995 0.0201
0.0708 0 0.903
25 special_interest 13
0.00478 0 0.0621
0.0537 0 0.879
26 campaign_trail 13
0.00318 0 0.0764
0.0291 0 0.891
27 american_peopl 5
0.0571 0.000199 0.0201
0.0314 0 0.891
28 statu_quo 36
0.286 0.171 0.0671
0.0754 0.000995 0.4
29 washington_establish 3
0.037 0.315 0.00259
0.325 0.183 0.137
30 minor_leader 32
0.0503 0.0189 0.00935
0.359 0.452 0.11
31 john_boehner 1
0.00119 0.000995 0.000995
0.408 0.469 0.119
32 cocktail_parti 66
0.152 0.0185 0.0613
0.379 0.298 0.0917
33 special_interest 55
0.774 0.000199 0.0661
0.146 0.000597 0.0133
34 univers_health_care 9
0.0848 0 0.00139
0.887 0 0.0267
35 health_care_bill 0
0.00139 0.00119 0.112
0.848 0 0.0378
36 senat_clinton 3
0.00557 0.000199 0.384
0.458 0 0.153
37 american_peopl 12
0.283 0 0.0165
0.424 0 0.277
38 peopl_support 0
0.0219 0.00139 0.000597
0.704 0 0.272
39 health_insur 6
0.277 0 0
0.714 0 0.00915
40 insur_compani 0
0.00239 0 0
0.989 0 0.00896
41 capitol_hill 6
0.0245 0.0237 0.0235
0.919 0.000199 0.00896
42 senat_clinton 17
0.00935 0 0.775
0.189 0 0.0271
43 good_idea 17
0.0629 0.00955 0.0615
0.175 0 0.692
44 special_interest 138
0.262 0.000199 0.348
0.101 0 0.289
45 american_peopl 60
0.18 0.000199 0.168
0.259 0 0.392
46 greatest_challeng 17
0.0619 0.00716 0.0529
0.394 0.000199 0.484
47 social_secur 15
0.122 0.00139 0.0392
0.42 0.00259 0.415
48 senat_clinton 4
0.00398 0 0.49
0.129 0 0.378
49 special_interest 66
0.0203 0 0.306
0.0255 0 0.648
50 american_peopl 11
0.00219 0 0.0631
0.0195 0 0.915
51 dai_ago 8
0 0.00199 0.0545
0.000199 0 0.943
52 hedg_fund 3
0.00139 0.0255 0.0167
0.000199 0.00338 0.953
53 lobbi_firm 46
0.805 0.00358 0.033
0.00318 0.00418 0.151
54 same_time 9
0.0892 0 0.00458
0.78 0.000597 0.126
55 campaign_contribut 6
0.0456 0.000398 0.00657
0.842 0 0.106
56 wide_open 27
0.105 0.00119 0.0165
0.791 0 0.0862
57 global_warm 22
0.148 0 0.00438
0.813 0 0.0348
58 greenhous_gase 35
0.118 0.00139 0.0951
0.763 0 0.0223
59 nobel_prize 14
0.0171 0.000597 0.546
0.323 0 0.114
60 vice_presid 2
0.00239 0 0.087
0.258 0 0.652
61 al_gore 1
0.00657 0 0.00318
0.257 0 0.734
62 big_oil 13
0.768 0 0
0.231 0 0.00139
63 oil_compani 0
0.00557 0 0.000199
0.994 0 0.000597
64 capitol_hill 31
0.107 0.0103 0.00318
0.879 0 0.000199
65 energi_bill 7
0.0396 0 0.000199
0.958 0.00199 0
66 greenhous_ga_emiss 10
0.0281 0.00119 0.0515
0.917 0.00139 0.000597
67 american_peopl 10
0.0466 0 0.0444
0.861 0 0.0482
68 special_interest 5
0.0205 0 0.0153
0.877 0 0.0874
69 campaign_contribut 17
0.0704 0.000398 0.0191
0.829 0 0.0812
70 american_peopl 35
0.0806 0 0.315
0.52 0 0.0848
71 special_interest 30
0.0492 0.00159 0.268
0.333 0 0.348
72 regular_peopl 37
0.0181 0.151 0.254
0.0919 0.00199 0.483
73 small_donor 46
0.000199 0.00458 0.38
0.00239 0.0593 0.553
74 public_financ 79
0 0.00418 0.293
0 0.0342 0.669
75 rais_monei 7
0.000199 0.00577 0.0271
0 0.0384 0.929
76 small_donor 2
0 0.00119 0.0107
0 0.0438 0.944
77 senat_clinton 17
0 0 0.115
0 0 0.885
78 public_financ 12
0 0 0.047
0 0 0.953
79 special_interest 9
0.00398 0 0.0346
0.000398 0 0.961
80 public_financ 38
0 0 0.14
0.000199 0 0.86
81 american_peopl 5
0.000597 0 0.0233
0.000199 0 0.976
82 public_financ 11
0 0 0.0444
0.000398 0 0.955
83 financ_system 0
0.000199 0.000199 0.00498
0.000199 0.000199 0.994
84 senat_clinton 9
0.000398 0 0.045
0 0 0.955
85 polit_action_committe 13
0.00796 0 0.0519
0.000199 0 0.94
86 feder_offic 32
0.0336 0.00179 0.107
0.00736 0 0.85
87 extrem_difficult 13
0.00836 0.000398 0.0314
0.0386 0.000398 0.921
88 school_teacher 14
0.00577 0 0.0492
0.043 0.000199 0.902
89 north_carolina 24
0.0129 0.00159 0.269
0.0378 0 0.678
90 special_interest 61
0.0249 0 0.393
0.000597 0 0.581
91 public_financ 11
0.00139 0.00119 0.0581
0.0119 0 0.927
92 recent_year 66
0.841 0.0346 0.0285
0.0113 0.000199 0.0848
93 vote_machin 22
0.0971 0.00577 0.0239
0.764 0.0241 0.085
94 recent_elect 92
0.213 0.0131 0.298
0.418 0.00418 0.0535
95 american_peopl 8
0.0667 0 0.0585
0.556 0.000597 0.318
96 town_hall 54
0.177 0.00199 0.133
0.454 0 0.234
97 __NUM___centuri 2
0.0159 0.000199 0.00179
0.623 0.00159 0.358
98 elect_offici 18
0.0275 0.147 0.136
0.375 0.00199 0.313
99 interest_group 8
0.00776 0.0332 0.0484
0.341 0.146 0.423
100 real_world 23
0.0103 0.0366 0.145
0.245 0.164 0.399
101 regular_peopl 22
0.00478 0.0133 0.268
0.128 0.158 0.427
102 racial_profil 16
0.00239 0.0237 0.0577
0.107 0.168 0.642
103 rais_awar 15
0.0245 0.165 0.0179
0.102 0.189 0.501
104 work_american 28
0.154 0.23 0.00159
0.0314 0.346 0.237
105 capitol_hill 48
0.0255 0.0456 0.0754
0.0985 0.52 0.235
106 spend_bill 26
0.00418 0.0131 0.0187
0.1 0.554 0.309
107 item_veto 20
0.00199 0.0121 0.00259
0.102 0.558 0.323
108 revolv_door 27
0.00358 0.0111 0.00199
0.101 0.561 0.321
109 capitol_hill 2
0.00239 0.000199 0.000796
0.103 0.57 0.323
110 govern_offici 17
0.00657 0.00876 0.038
0.0967 0.528 0.322
111 presid_bill_clinton 1
0.00438 0.000796 0.00756
0.104 0.527 0.357
112 special_interest 89
0.393 0 0.575
0.00756 0.000597 0.0241
113 america_great 14
0.0464 0.000199 0.0567
0.359 0 0.538
114 work_men 7
0.351 0.000398 0.00736
0.399 0 0.242
115 statu_quo 52
0.108 0.0163 0.257
0.434 0 0.184
116 great_nation 115
0.181 0.112 0.325
0.184 0.00935 0.189
117 __NUM___year 38
0.554 0.000398 0.0253
0.313 0.00219 0.105
118 high_school 40
0.228 0.000597 0.00577
0.745 0 0.0201
119 health_care 20
0.0951 0 0.000597
0.902 0 0.00199
120 global_warm 10
0.0382 0 0
0.962 0 0
121 foreign_oil 10
0.0402 0 0
0.96 0 0
122 end_poverti 7
0.0215 0 0
0.979 0 0
123 american_dream 4
0.0169 0.00119 0
0.982 0 0
124 work_american 10
0.0344 0.0151 0.000995
0.948 0.00139 0
125 face_todai 28
0.0609 0.00279 0.405
0.528 0.00199 0.00119
126 govern_work 27
0.0183 0.0388 0.459
0.124 0.00438 0.356
127 govern_back 42
0.0334 0.000199 0.253
0.0549 0.000796 0.658
128 god_bless 55
0.0217 0 0.241
0.0197 0 0.717