Joe Biden

This speech titled 2007.04.29.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press originally had 6984 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 161 cue terms and an average lag of 40.0. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 __MONEY___billion 42
0.836 0.14 0.0241
0 0 0
2 iraq_war 1
0.0117 0.00796 0.00517
0.812 0.138 0.0253
3 spend_bill 1
0.00935 0.00239 0.00637
0.81 0.137 0.0344
4 troop_withdraw 4
0.0344 0.00179 0.00259
0.805 0.119 0.037
5 __NUM___vote 13
0.295 0.000597 0.00657
0.68 0.00776 0.0105
6 week_ago 9
0.0754 0.00139 0.00299
0.908 0.000796 0.0115
7 polit_wisdom 4
0.0249 0.00318 0.00617
0.95 0.00219 0.0135
8 civil_war 107
0.537 0 0.000199
0.463 0.000199 0
9 central_govern 21
0.11 0 0
0.89 0 0
10 year_ago 17
0.0878 0.000199 0.000199
0.912 0 0
11 civil_war 302
0.818 0.000199 0
0.182 0 0
12 central_govern 13
0.0766 0 0
0.923 0 0
13 push_back 12
0.0669 0.00159 0.0318
0.898 0 0.00219
14 brook_institut 36
0.172 0.00577 0.0651
0.732 0.000597 0.0245
15 year_ago 208
0.739 0.000796 0
0.26 0 0
16 civil_war 8
0.0498 0.000199 0
0.95 0.000199 0
17 war_began 4
0.0299 0.00219 0.00279
0.964 0.000995 0.000199
18 civil_war 18
0.108 0 0.000199
0.891 0.00119 0
19 fundament_principl 34
0.155 0.0123 0.0535
0.778 0.000995 0.000199
20 unit_state 14
0.105 0 0.0155
0.849 0 0.0306
21 american_forc 11
0.0699 0.000995 0.0105
0.888 0.000199 0.0306
22 civil_war 13
0.104 0.000597 0.000199
0.894 0.000199 0.000995
23 democrat_govern 5
0.0293 0.00876 0.0149
0.944 0.000796 0.00259
24 american_peopl 77
0.278 0.0177 0.159
0.533 0.00318 0.00935
25 long_haul 9
0.0816 0.00537 0.00776
0.782 0.0167 0.106
26 world_commun 170
0.623 0.0285 0.0239
0.319 0.00199 0.00358
27 democrat_primari 76
0.308 0.0137 0.0915
0.567 0.00637 0.0129
28 leav_iraq 163
0.655 0 0
0.345 0 0
29 civil_war 56
0.266 0.000398 0.000199
0.733 0 0
30 feder_govern 128
0.476 0.0434 0.0179
0.462 0.000796 0
31 daili_live 30
0.184 0.000199 0.00816
0.801 0.00478 0.00179
32 local_polic 9
0.043 0.000597 0.00259
0.94 0.00498 0.00896
33 polic_forc 0
0.00378 0 0.00219
0.976 0.00458 0.0137
34 foreign_polici 85
0.298 0.0776 0.0691
0.546 0.00279 0.00597
35 american_forc 51
0.401 0.000796 0.0486
0.53 0.00378 0.0157
36 american_peopl 31
0.074 0.0107 0.393
0.458 0.00139 0.0623
37 joe_biden 4
0.0117 0.00657 0.0667
0.449 0.0105 0.456
38 saddam_hussein 2
0.00836 0.0137 0.0933
0.348 0.0149 0.521
39 long_term 4
0.00299 0.00358 0.0605
0.297 0.0243 0.612
40 short_term 4
0.00498 0.00259 0.0798
0.224 0.0135 0.675
41 nation_secur 4
0.00159 0.0261 0.0872
0.148 0.0117 0.725
42 unit_nation 131
0.967 0.000398 0.000796
0.0304 0 0.000995
43 big_issu 21
0.112 0.00597 0.0107
0.87 0.000199 0.00119
44 pipe_dream 133
0.413 0.0597 0.125
0.394 0.00338 0.00378
45 intern_commun 93
0.539 0 0.00716
0.451 0.000199 0.00279
46 unit_state 46
0.22 0.000398 0.0346
0.74 0 0.00478
47 put_pressur 79
0.38 0.00139 0.00836
0.61 0 0.000199
48 nation_intellig 58
0.225 0.000796 0.118
0.649 0 0.00697
49 week_ago 40
0.274 0.00219 0.00537
0.703 0.000796 0.0145
50 mass_destruct 13
0.0575 0.00458 0.133
0.781 0.00119 0.0233
51 nuclear_weapon 144
0.6 0 0.00299
0.395 0 0.00179
52 unit_nation 45
0.232 0.000199 0
0.768 0 0
53 intern_commun 33
0.167 0 0.00776
0.825 0 0
54 fly_zone 52
0.261 0 0.000199
0.739 0 0
55 vice_presid 22
0.112 0 0.00239
0.886 0 0.000199
56 unit_state 3
0.0201 0 0.000199
0.977 0 0.00259
57 nuclear_weapon 5
0.0263 0 0.000995
0.97 0 0.00239
58 vice_presid 21
0.116 0.000199 0.000199
0.881 0 0.00259
59 intern_commun 345
0.844 0.000199 0.00955
0.146 0 0
60 put_pressur 160
0.597 0.000995 0.00577
0.396 0 0
61 fly_zone 5
0.0322 0.000199 0
0.967 0 0.000398
62 editori_board 61
0.272 0.0129 0.0193
0.695 0 0.000597
63 unit_nation 141
0.569 0.000199 0.000398
0.431 0 0
64 vice_presid 19
0.104 0 0.00378
0.892 0 0.000398
65 mass_destruct 46
0.178 0.00597 0.154
0.658 0 0.00478
66 intellig_agenc 32
0.231 0.000995 0.0119
0.704 0.00119 0.0507
67 foreign_relat 3
0.0295 0 0.00159
0.916 0.000995 0.0515
68 intellig_commun 34
0.161 0.00438 0.0464
0.75 0.000398 0.0374
69 nuclear_weapon 120
0.539 0.000597 0.00517
0.455 0 0.000796
70 joe_lieberman 117
0.442 0.0129 0.0758
0.468 0 0.00159
71 __NUM___vote 52
0.3 0.00478 0.0121
0.673 0.00219 0.00776
72 unit_nation 77
0.394 0.000398 0.000398
0.605 0 0.000199
73 harri_reid 330
0.826 0.00458 0.0175
0.152 0 0
74 week_ago 3
0.0213 0.000199 0.000796
0.96 0.00338 0.0147
75 major_leader 26
0.122 0.00816 0.00537
0.848 0.00378 0.0119
76 harri_reid 1
0.0123 0 0.000597
0.965 0.00537 0.0167
77 year_ago 102
0.44 0.00418 0.00119
0.554 0 0
78 footbal_game 32
0.144 0.0726 0.0488
0.727 0.00537 0.00219
79 lost___NUM__ 8
0.045 0.0101 0.00478
0.827 0.0704 0.0426
80 __NUM___wound 5
0.0416 0.0115 0.00139
0.835 0.0788 0.0318
81 world_commun 58
0.331 0.0117 0.0189
0.615 0.0187 0.00557
82 put_pressur 14
0.106 0 0.000995
0.885 0.00159 0.00677
83 happi_end 17
0.0844 0.000796 0.0213
0.885 0.00139 0.00736
84 leav_iraq 89
0.418 0.000199 0
0.582 0 0
85 protect_american 335
0.756 0.0581 0.0432
0.142 0 0
86 american_interest 0
0.0115 0.000398 0
0.911 0.0382 0.0386
87 middl_east 26
0.157 0.00557 0.000199
0.816 0.0209 0.000796
88 studi_group 11
0.0565 0.00478 0.00458
0.911 0.0221 0.000995
89 civil_war 29
0.261 0.000199 0.000199
0.735 0.00338 0
90 jame_baker 1
0.0123 0.000398 0.000597
0.982 0.00358 0.000796
91 civil_war 27
0.191 0 0
0.807 0.00179 0
92 major_citi 1
0.0101 0.000199 0.00279
0.984 0.00139 0.00139
93 henri_kissing 25
0.115 0.00438 0.0273
0.85 0.000796 0.00318
94 central_govern 65
0.388 0.000398 0.000597
0.61 0.000199 0.000398
95 sectarian_violenc 124
0.493 0.0169 0.0117
0.478 0 0
96 feder_system 9
0.0326 0.155 0.177
0.597 0.0195 0.0189
97 rudi_giuliani 52
0.0748 0.0406 0.14
0.445 0.143 0.157
98 elect_presid 22
0.00358 0.00498 0.0195
0.498 0.182 0.291
99 __NUM___america 2
0.000199 0.000597 0.00139
0.501 0.185 0.312
100 terrorist_attack 7
0.000796 0.000796 0.00159
0.5 0.184 0.313
101 democrat_presid 57
0.0117 0.00279 0.00637
0.492 0.18 0.307
102 nation_press 72
0.0105 0.00617 0.00836
0.491 0.179 0.304
103 terrorist_attack 24
0.00418 0.00279 0.00358
0.496 0.183 0.31
104 rudi_giuliani 19
0.0318 0.00159 0.0207
0.492 0.18 0.274
105 9/11_commiss 46
0.458 0.0131 0.0521
0.426 0.0217 0.0287
106 american_citi 7
0.00279 0.000398 0.000597
0.881 0.0346 0.0804
107 9/11_commiss 104
0.0231 0.00219 0.00458
0.867 0.0263 0.0766
108 joe_biden 39
0.0281 0.000199 0.0603
0.832 0.00219 0.077
109 democrat_candid 2
0.000199 0 0.000199
0.86 0.00219 0.137
110 __NUM___democrat 22
0.00716 0.000398 0.00378
0.855 0.00199 0.132
111 democrat_presidenti 0
0.000398 0.000199 0.000398
0.861 0.00239 0.136
112 presidenti_candid 0
0.000199 0 0.000398
0.861 0.00239 0.136
113 joe_biden 1
0.000796 0 0.00259
0.86 0.00199 0.135
114 web_site 25
0.0169 0 0.00756
0.847 0.000398 0.128
115 nation_commit 35
0.0165 0.000995 0.00617
0.852 0.000199 0.124
116 dramat_increas 2
0.00398 0.000199 0.000398
0.869 0.000597 0.126
117 health_care 11
0.126 0.000199 0
0.873 0 0.000199
118 health_insur 3
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
119 pell_grant 39
0.00597 0.000398 0.000199
0.993 0 0
120 low_incom 12
0.00139 0.000199 0.000199
0.998 0.000398 0
121 incom_famili 0
0 0.000199 0
0.999 0.000398 0.000199
122 nation_servic 3
0.000995 0.000199 0
0.998 0.000597 0.000199
123 high_school 6
0.000995 0 0
0.998 0.000597 0
124 school_student 0
0.000398 0 0.000199
0.999 0.000199 0.000199
125 earn_monei 5
0.000597 0.000199 0
0.999 0 0.000199
126 homeland_secur 4
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
127 tax_cut 8
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
128 million_dollar 7
0.00139 0 0
0.999 0 0
129 homeland_secur 9
0.00159 0 0
0.998 0 0
130 public_safeti 2
0 0 0
1 0 0
131 trust_fund 1
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
132 __MONEY___billion 10
0.00119 0 0.00239
0.996 0 0
133 local_law 9
0.00259 0.000199 0.00338
0.991 0 0.00239
134 law_enforc 0
0.000398 0 0.000199
0.994 0 0.00557
135 __MONEY___billion 54
0.0151 0.000199 0
0.983 0 0.00139
136 __NUM___billion 9
0.00239 0 0
0.998 0 0
137 tax_cut 3
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
138 peopl_make 2
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
139 __NUM___billion 26
0.00398 0 0
0.996 0 0
140 trust_fund 11
0.00199 0 0
0.998 0 0
141 health_care 16
0.00179 0 0
0.998 0 0
142 tax_break 35
0.0229 0.00597 0.00279
0.968 0 0
143 __MONEY___billion 9
0.0117 0.000398 0
0.98 0.00498 0.00239
144 save_monei 74
0.123 0.00557 0.00438
0.86 0.00418 0.00239
145 __MONEY___billion 5
0.0219 0.000796 0
0.965 0.00915 0.00279
146 unit_state 18
0.25 0 0.00438
0.746 0 0.000199
147 health_insur 4
0.0187 0 0
0.981 0 0.000199
148 __MONEY___billion 2
0.000796 0 0.000398
0.999 0 0
149 altern_energi 12
0.00517 0.000597 0.00378
0.99 0 0.000398
150 energi_sourc 0
0.000398 0 0.000199
0.994 0.000398 0.00458
151 billion_dollar 5
0.00159 0.000398 0.000796
0.993 0.000398 0.00418
152 __MONEY___billion 109
0.0287 0 0
0.971 0 0.000199
153 tax_cut 5
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
154 __MONEY___billion 15
0.00279 0.000398 0.000199
0.997 0 0
155 9/11_commiss 16
0.00697 0.00458 0.0111
0.977 0.000398 0.000199
156 __NUM___billion 11
0.00537 0.00219 0.000199
0.98 0.00418 0.00836
157 top___NUM___percent 3
0.0444 0.0159 0.00517
0.92 0.00637 0.00796
158 social_secur 17
0.306 0.0279 0.00896
0.634 0.0195 0.00378
159 __NUM___million_peopl 15
0.434 0.00299 0.0346
0.499 0.0207 0.00955
160 __NUM___year 9
0.0848 0.00478 0.00736
0.854 0.0157 0.0338
161 polit_advis 52
0.195 0.0472 0.0746
0.64 0.0157 0.0273