Michele Bachmann

This speech titled 2011.06.27.remarks_announcing_candidacy_for_president_in_waterloo_iowa originally had 2689 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 82 cue terms and an average lag of 29.5. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 unit_state 60
0.167 0.00159 0.831
0 0 0
2 white_hous 69
0.0225 0.165 0.365
0.0318 0.00438 0.412
3 elementari_school 48
0.00955 0.000199 0.393
0.0131 0.000199 0.584
4 short_distanc 7
0.000398 0.000398 0.00279
0.0215 0.000398 0.975
5 decad_ago 85
0.00259 0 0.0352
0.0179 0 0.944
6 elementari_school 7
0 0 0.00358
0.0203 0 0.976
7 decad_ago 14
0.000199 0 0.00318
0.0199 0 0.977
8 young_children 12
0.00159 0.000199 0.00577
0.0195 0 0.973
9 decad_ago 30
0.00498 0.000995 0.00915
0.0195 0 0.965
10 nation_debt 9
0.185 0.0163 0.0396
0.0227 0.000796 0.736
11 __NUM___billion 4
0.0183 0.00279 0.0201
0.196 0.0167 0.746
12 billion_dollar 0
0.000995 0.000199 0.00159
0.212 0.0191 0.766
13 __NUM___cent 6
0.0141 0.00139 0.00836
0.206 0.0165 0.754
14 american_dream 11
0.0386 0.0583 0.0824
0.188 0.0185 0.615
15 __NUM___trillion 6
0.00557 0.000597 0.108
0.191 0.0147 0.679
16 trillion_dollar 0
0.00438 0.000199 0.00836
0.196 0.00796 0.783
17 same_spirit 39
0.112 0.00239 0.173
0.149 0.00119 0.562
18 work_hard 8
0.00657 0.00159 0.00896
0.253 0.00358 0.726
19 make_america 120
0.0494 0.00119 0.132
0.164 0.000398 0.654
20 america_great 0
0.000199 0 0.00299
0.21 0.000995 0.786
21 earli_dai 70
0.0575 0.000796 0.0517
0.191 0.000199 0.699
22 same_spirit 57
0.0388 0.00199 0.0332
0.223 0.000398 0.702
23 creat_job 18
0.0273 0.00179 0.0402
0.218 0.000796 0.712
24 conserv_govern 33
0.0302 0.0133 0.0318
0.21 0.00239 0.712
25 public_life 34
0.139 0.0484 0.0742
0.194 0.0121 0.533
26 de_moin 56
0.428 0.0488 0.154
0.196 0.032 0.141
27 state_capitol 4
0.00876 0.000995 0.0846
0.537 0.0611 0.308
28 jimmi_carter 14
0.0318 0.0177 0.0957
0.455 0.0565 0.344
29 great_societi 70
0.0141 0.000597 0.752
0.0211 0.000796 0.211
30 law_school 78
0.113 0.00378 0.349
0.0151 0.000199 0.519
31 small_busi 21
0.0243 0.00299 0.081
0.101 0.00139 0.79
32 local_school 8
0 0 0.122
0.000597 0 0.877
33 school_district 0
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
34 feder_govern 9
0 0 0.00557
0 0 0.994
35 govern_interfer 0
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
36 local_school 3
0 0 0.00139
0 0 0.999
37 public_offic 41
0.000199 0 0.0179
0 0 0.982
38 local_school 4
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
39 school_district 0
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
40 public_offic 5
0.00119 0 0.00438
0 0 0.994
41 make_life 9
0.0507 0.00179 0.0772
0.000995 0 0.869
42 futur_gener 83
0.143 0.00159 0.735
0.0211 0 0.0995
43 health_plan 6
0.0265 0.00378 0.044
0.154 0.00139 0.77
44 hous_crisi 56
0.0762 0.0919 0.259
0.0669 0.00378 0.502
45 home_ownership 8
0.0113 0.0109 0.0275
0.127 0.0925 0.731
46 foreign_polici 13
0.0756 0.0886 0.0233
0.123 0.101 0.589
47 barack_obama 25
0.00517 0.178 0.57
0.0191 0.101 0.127
48 constitut_conserv 3
0.0175 0.00139 0.0376
0.0402 0.212 0.692
49 found_father 6
0.229 0.00299 0.036
0.131 0.0293 0.572
50 limit_govern 4
0.0121 0.000995 0.0503
0.34 0.0233 0.574
51 american_peopl 11
0.0167 0.0123 0.214
0.249 0.0231 0.485
52 real_solut 25
0.185 0.0342 0.0907
0.259 0.0223 0.41
53 big_issu 136
0.488 0.0583 0.102
0.253 0.0101 0.088
54 big_govern 16
0.0289 0.0205 0.0283
0.677 0.0639 0.181
55 long_time 25
0.0344 0.0203 0.0939
0.584 0.0691 0.198
56 mind_peopl 26
0.0434 0.0113 0.202
0.423 0.0557 0.264
57 unit_state 14
0.0426 0.00119 0.471
0.189 0.000597 0.296
58 white_hous 31
0.00935 0.202 0.188
0.0478 0.0157 0.537
59 constitut_conserv 6
0.00358 0.00418 0.0476
0.0515 0.209 0.685
60 fiscal_conserv 87
0.084 0.186 0.385
0.00896 0.0736 0.262
61 social_conserv 10
0.0123 0.0157 0.0603
0.0732 0.23 0.609
62 tea_parti_movement 9
0.00498 0.00816 0.0627
0.0657 0.212 0.646
63 republican_parti 33
0.088 0.075 0.127
0.0498 0.187 0.473
64 presid_obama 69
0.000199 0.0233 0.601
0.00159 0.037 0.337
65 __DATE___presid 9
0.000597 0.00338 0.0615
0.000796 0.0579 0.876
66 presid_obama 0
0 0.000597 0.0155
0.000995 0.0593 0.924
67 econom_polici 6
0.0127 0.0115 0.07
0.00179 0.0553 0.849
68 unit_state 133
0.282 0 0.527
0.00597 0.000199 0.184
69 air_forc 1
0.00677 0.000398 0.0111
0.285 0.000398 0.696
70 unit_state 10
0.0213 0.000199 0.0697
0.277 0.000199 0.632
71 power_forc 50
0.204 0.00796 0.192
0.245 0.000199 0.351
72 unit_state 9
0.0155 0 0.189
0.32 0 0.476
73 close_friend 100
0.369 0.0432 0.262
0.18 0.000398 0.145
74 pearl_harbor 6
0.0247 0.000597 0.037
0.525 0.0279 0.385
75 war_effort 174
0.265 0.0179 0.551
0.104 0.000995 0.0607
76 great_challeng 100
0.0607 0.00617 0.623
0.0597 0.000995 0.25
77 great_countri 7
0.00318 0.00239 0.0852
0.078 0.00438 0.827
78 michel_bachmann 31
0.0201 0.0167 0.244
0.0458 0.00438 0.669
79 unit_state 8
0.0428 0 0.0892
0.0671 0.000199 0.801
80 futur_gener 28
0.0655 0.000398 0.174
0.0973 0 0.663
81 god_bless 30
0.122 0 0.178
0.14 0 0.561
82 unit_state 6
0.00637 0 0.0456
0.253 0 0.695